
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 03:34:04
写出下面的复数形式1.flower2.day3.he4.ciass5.game6.bag7.orange8.book9.phone10.box11.chinese12.baby13.friend14.bus15.toe16.man17.woman18.family19.foot20.girl21.house22.letter23.body24.knife25.cap26.people27.tiger28.coat29.photo30.eraser31.mine 一个棱长为16厘米的正方体容器内水深8厘米,将一个不规则铁块浸没在内,则水面上升,此时水面与容器口处相差3厘米.这个铁块的体积是多少? 用什么方法in what waysin what ways 开头的句子怎么倒装 意思是 用什么方法写才能让我们的故事永恒 是用陈述还是疑问句式?这里要表达疑问 in what ways we write that can make our stories permanent?这个对吗 要使马铃薯和甘薯高产应注意使用哪种无机盐 一个棱长为16厘米的正方体容器内水深10厘米,放入一球后,水面上升到差2厘米与容器口平,这个球体积是 一个棱长为16cm的正方体容器内水深10cm,放入一个球后,水面上升到差2cm与容器口相平.这个球的体积是多? 美国俚语you are good al-Qaeda是什么意思 Al Qaeda 的读音!音标! 请问"al 来自布十的讲话:"What I've told the American people is we'll protect them against an al Qaeda attack," Bush said."I've also been clear about the fact that we do not listen to domestic phone calls without court approval and this govern When it arrived I read all the instructions beforebeforetrying to assemble it.翻译 英语翻译Downstairs,the doctor left three different medicines in different coloured capsules with instructions for giving them. When I’ll receive them When in Italy ----翻译成中文是什么意思,通俗点.英语帝进来 So I would remember them when I was 不要翻译器的 九年二班的一个综合实践活动小组去A、B两个超市调查去年和今年“五一节”期间的销情况九年二班的一个综合实践活动小组去A、B两个超市调查去年和今年“五一节”期间的销售,如图示调 NAHCO3 和HCI反应是放热还是吸热? Are you looking for the skirt wholesale?(翻译)请问怎样翻译 语法正确吗 这个句子Look at your skirt.It's break.at skirt break哪个错了?为什么?急 Look at this hat. I think it's____. A:Lucy B:Lucy's C:her D:she 青藏高寒区气候类型是什么?准确一点的 青藏高原高寒区的特点? 青藏高寒区的主要城市 青藏高寒区主要的地貌单元 青藏高寒区的主要农作物有哪些? 七年级(2)班的一个综合实践活动小组去A,B两个超市调查去年和今年“五一”期间的销售情况下面是3人的对话 两超市销售额去年共为150万元,今年共为170万元2.A超市销售额今年比去年增加15%3. The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.我也遇到了.是什么回事.求救. invalid nickname or password 英文怎么翻译 You have entered an invalid username or password.Please press the back button,enter the correct details and try again.Don't forget that the password is case sensitive.Forgotten your password?Click here!You have used 0 out of 5 login attempts.After al a:me upstairs and see my new skirt.b:thankyou.a:look!( )it is?b:that’s a nice.( )itsvery smart. (I hope your new giasses look nice!)翻译中文 请问watch和see有什么区别? “基地组织”英文怎么说?Al-Qaida是阿拉伯语吗?是音译还是意译?