
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:57:39
以《I love music》为题,写一篇70词左右的短文,用英文 After l___ mother and Peter work in the garden.首字母填空 Peter and Barry ______ (need) many bags. his father t___ the heavy bags and he takes the l_____ ones. Tuesday Morning 歌词 书上有On Tuesday mornings 的写法那是不是要写成On a Tuesday morning才对?On Tuesday morning正确吗? () morning of Tuesday chess、shower、morning、tuesday这些词可数吗?急用! God only help those who help themselves He didn't make any noise any more in class.把 any more 放在句中的位置对吗?请说明理由,如果把any more 放在句子最后对吗 我叫刘晓阳,男生,取什么英文名好呢?最好有晓这个音的还有没有好一点儿的啊是和名字有关的啊 帮忙想个发音与“林”诣音,又有个性的英文名!看起来要有个性哦~名字lin要放在后面,还有就是前面最好是两个字母哦 我简直不能相信自己的眼睛 I could not believe my ——— eyes. How well Allen dances! I can not believe my eyes!- .我回答So he does 还是So does he或So do I 还是So I do? Can he ___ the meal well?yes ,he is a good______ a. cook cooker b. cooker cook c.cook cook d.cookercooker为什么选c A:John,sometime in your class phoned you this morning.B:Oh,who was ____?a.he b.she c.it d.that there were no goalkeepers同义句 I can (h )believe my own eyes.空中填什么单词?如题,题中括号内填所缺单词,以h打头的 there were no factories的同义句是什么啊 同义句转:There were no loser.=There were ----- ----- loser. I'swimming at zhe pool____ the first photo.A.on B.in C.at D.of (单项选择) Don't talk in class,________?sorry,I won't do it again A will you B don't you C do you there were a fire drill yesterday,那里有错,为什么? There are a fire drill yesterday.找出句子中的错误并改正We must walk quick down the stairs.They are talked about the weather because they are going to have a picnic.You mustn't eat and drink on the bus. < >there are a fire drill yesterday 找出下列错误的并改正 his father was angry with him.because he __ __(做错事) while at schoolI thought I ___ ___ ___ (考试不及格)but I passed in the end.she is very friendly and __ __ __(相处得好) with her classmates Today is ____ .Tom didn't go to school today because he ______a cold.His father looked_____him athome.He ______ his head teacher and asked for a sick leave.Then he took Tom to ____a doctor .In the _____,the doctor looked him over carefully and asked The father looked at the bady ___(happy)because the baby looked ___(happy) “There is music at the party.”翻译成汉语怎么说? help is on the 请阅读下面三段话将其与方框中的主题匹配 The police warned last night that heavy snow is on the way.people are advised...my brother is not just my relative.he's my best friend,too...when meeting someone for the first time in a social 英语好的快来帮帮忙 Both Tom and Many go to park.(用either英语好的快来帮帮忙 Both Tom and Many go to park.(用either;or改写句子)