
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 22:16:17
There is some paper.paper是不可数的还是单复数一样? 小学六年级我的战友邱少云词语表今天忘记带书了急啊 practice在英文中是否有复数形式?比如:可以说成more practices? practice的复数形式是什么? 名词的单复数形式,怎么读? we made a(n) .to play basketball when it started to raina.turn b.switch c.point d.exchange 已知a b互为相反数,c,d互为倒数,m是最多的负整数,试求3\m+cd-4m\a+b的值. practice是不是在美式中做动词,在英式中作名词? the boy always stays here for(?) a.one and a half hour b.one and a half hours 选哪个?为什么? 改错题(十处地方) I've come here for half a year.Life here is very interesting.We got up early in t There are no cups on the desk. 正确形式:It seemed_(sense) to move to a larger house when the family started to expand. practice做名词时有复数形式吗? 请问practice的动名词形式是什么?如题 () I tried to get on the bus this morning,but ___ I could,it had started to move.A unti B when C before D after It takes me one and a half ____.A.hour B.hours C./ D.dayDon't _____ close the light before you leave home.A.forget B.remember C.forget to D.remember to What will you see __________?A.on the way to there yesterday B.on the back way to home C.on the wa practice (名词) 造句 I want one apples ,tow orange and three danana.哪里错了 Three apples and one orange后面填is还是are? 连词成句.1.is,in,there,not,my,water,any,cup(.) I have many thing to find 和 It's rain we were wet 改错 Is mary your sister?No,he isn’t.有2个错,是哪2个 30千克水正好装了5大桶5小桶,54千克水能装几大桶几小桶 1.思索的妈妈去市场买水果她先花3.5元买了2.5KG苹果,还准备买3KG橙,橙的单价是苹果的1.6倍.买橙应付多 初一5升药液可以分装到多少个200毫升的小瓶内? 335.5升药液可以分装到多少只200毫升的小瓶内 有药液10L,用每瓶2.5mL的小瓶来分装,可以装( ) 小瓶 四年级学生站成6列纵队参加广播操比赛,每列纵队长26米,每列纵队前后相邻的两个 厕所的镜子能冲着门吗? 六年级上册语文13课每要读出什么情感,用一句话抒情的话总结课文的四个方面,一个半小时以内! 根据所学课文,体会作者表达的思想感情1,“我要那个大花脸” --冯骥才《花脸》2,田螺不但活着,而且还是那样有意思哩!--宗介华《奇妙的田螺》 全自动灌胶机有哪几种?