
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:57:33
我们怎样尊重文化多样性 He cleaned the room yesterday .(用watched TV改选择问句)按下面的格式写____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ yesterday? 文化多样性的表现. 我现在读技校,英语很好,我现在英语4级词汇全背下来了,语汇也略知三四,读的技校是5年制的。可以的话,第几年可以考?是自己去外面报名还是学校报名? 做一下面的题:将下列的句子改为被动语态.1.Aero pianes are slowly driving me mad.2.She saw the thief steal a lot of money form the bank.3.The engineer must have repaired the broken car.4.The old man has given the young boy two bags o 对尊重和承认文化多样性的认识?这些可不可以? 尊重文化的多样性。①对待文化多样性的正确态度是:既要认同本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化。不同民族之间,应该相互尊重,在发 还有读高职的翻译有前途吗? 已知a为锐角,且sina·cosa=3分之1,则sina+cosa= 对小红帽的故事中小红帽的评价要求字数不少与80字 英语语法: 为什么要加the英语语法:为什么要加the 英语语法问题,为什么要加the呢I like learning to musicI like learning to the music他们有什么区别吗,为什么书上加了the呢,是一个单独的例句 y=3-x-x^2,where it crosses the Y-axisy=3-x-x^2,where it crosses the Y-axis...Question:find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curves 完形填空(周密计划),If people have too much money,they can donate it to others.____Wang Zhiyou,a 41-year-old man___Heilongjiang Province,also does this.___lives by collecting money from others for 23 years.People ____him a beggar and he go He worked hard,but he didn't improve his work.(改为同义句)_______ he worked hard ,he didn't improve his work. 英语翻译normal dia.pitch 12 英语翻译不好意思是“蜗轮蜗杆“ photo(近义词) photo 的近义词 Find the unit vectors that are parallel to the tangent line to the curve y = 8 sin xat the point (π/6,4).(Enter your answer as a comma-separated list of vectors.) Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function f(x) = 8/(√x^2+3x) at the point (1,4) the line y=3x+k is tangent to the curve x^2+xy+16=0 find possible values of k 世说新语方正中的友人与世说新语德行中的胡贼有什么相同之处 《世说新语·德行》之荀巨伯的中心 Her father is going to work___there__two years .A.to,for B.\,for C.in,/ D.in,for.为什么? picture-近义词 Mr.Green is going to shang hai and ______(work)there for two years.用所给词的适当形式填空。请说明理由 We ( m )to Shanghai two years ago because my father found work there. Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse whose equation isx^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1Let a and b be positive numbers. 找出病语 my father will work there of two years 民歌的定义?(1) 民歌的定义是什么?(2) 山歌是不是民歌的一种?(3) 《草原之夜》是民歌吗?(4) 《草原之夜》里的“草原上只留下我的琴声”,请问他的琴是哪一种琴呢?(5) 《草原之夜》里的“柯 【基础微积分】he area of the region enclosed by the polar curve r=1-cosθ? Find the centroid of the region bounded by the given curves.1.y=4x,x=7,x-axis 2.x+8y=8,y-axis,x-axis3.y=7x,y=28,y-axis4.y=x^2-16x,x-axis5.16x-x^3,x-axis,第一象限6.y=26x-x^2,y=x