
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:41:47
除非,世界末日 翻译成英语 不要机器RT 内涵点 别小学3年级的也能看懂个大概- - 别太短啊 仨单词少了点 半径为5厘米的三个圆弧围成如右图所示的区域,其中AB弧与AD弧为四分之一圆弧 连词成句(问句) 怎样提高英语学科的及格率? I have eaten something for breakfast .[改为一般疑问句}____ you ____ _____for breakfast? 苏州绝色佳丽怎么样 一.连词成句,是问句的请回答.1.Lot,vegetables,of,you,for,a,are,good(.) 2.plenty,exercise,get,make,healthy,of,)二.仿句.Model A:What's good for me?Vegetable is good for me .1.he,apple,good2.we,chip,bad三.填空.I'm going to send a letter Blair and Chuck Chuck and 《绯闻女孩》Blair and Chuck的爱情.什么是 Blair and Chuck 的爱情,·200分送上,补加50· 绯闻女孩,chuck和blair的经典台词哇. 沉鱼落雁之容, chuck&blair他们在结局会在一起吗大家认为? 维护造句 that is the day ( ) I'll never forget.A.which B.on which c.in which D.when我知道本题答案了,但就是想问几个问题为什么不能选when还有我看其他人的解答说是the day是宾语,所以用whichwhen为什么不能代替宾语?是 To our relief ,it is before long that the results of our college entrance exams ____ on the I n...To our relief ,it is before long that the results of our college entrance exams ____ on the I nternet.A.will be releasing B.will be released C.will have 有首英文女声抒情歌曲,歌曲开头的歌词是:never sing my song ...歌声很优美,很抒情,是一个柔和的女性声音 用CORELDRAW制作椭圆型章子时字体怎么变哦、做圆形的我知道 但是椭圆型的做出来字体在中间 ok,said the door man,u are a taxi,but u look more like a truck to me直译和引申义怎么翻译?能者进 翻译By the way,why do you borrow your MP4 to me once by once?And at the same time thanks very much 我爸爸比我妈妈更爱运动这句话怎么翻译 by no means用在句首用倒装吗,这道题为什么不用倒装By no means——— to her parents.A.this is the first time has she liedB.this is the first time does she tell a lieC.is this the first time she has liedD.is this the first time she w 英语造句(要按要求作答的)1.这次交通事故该怪罪的是恶劣的天气.(be to blame)2.从这些事实中我们可以得出结论,他是该职位最合适的人选.(draw a conclusion)3.我哥哥来之后,录音机才得到修理 连词成句 、单项选择invitation ,you ,get ,her ,to ,an ,do,party( ) you ( ) study for a math exam?A.Have ,to B.Do,have to C.Do,have D.Have to,/What's the date today?A.It's MondayB.It's May 12thC.It's MarchD.It's Monday the 12th 英语造句.有积分加1.take place发生2.remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事3.either...or...或是...或是...4.look forward to期望,期待,盼望5.主语+be meant to do sth.6.with + n.+介词短语7.It is the custom to do sth.8.It is obvious th 英语语法:听说句首有带否定词的副词或者介词短语,句子必须倒装,那么No matter how genious are you这个句子是否写成这样而不是how genious you are a good friend can make you l()when you are sad and he can share you j()when you are happy这题我会了.问下这题 they never tell a lie,so they can b()for each other how to maintain long distance friendship and the most important qualities when making friends. Mary's proposal __ more samples be included in the experiment will be carefully considered.空里为什么填that不填which?这是什么从句?怎么判断? 如何写一封cover letter~ 清式桌子有哪些样,在造型结构和使用方而有何特点? java:创建一个桌子Table类,该类中有桌子名称,重量,桌面宽度,长度及桌子高度属性.其中有:1) 编写一个无参的构造方法和带4个参数的构造方法初始化所有数据成员2) int area() :计算桌面的面积3) 创建一个桌子Table类,该类中有桌子名称、重量、桌面宽度、长度和桌子高度属性,以及以下几个方法.(1)(1)构造方法:初始化所有成员变量(2)area():计算桌面的面积.(3)display():在屏