
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 14:13:07
我妈妈每天早上起得很早以便能赶上早班车.My mother gets up early every morning _____ _____ shecan catch the early bus. what do like to do at the weekend?怎么回答 夹的拼英是什么,第几声,快急快快 Another new bridge __ __ __ over the Ganjiang River.翻译:赣江上又在建一座新桥 1.Another grand bridge will be built _____ the Pearl River in our city. 有那些著名的效应?象犹太效应.木桶原理之类的~ 歇后语:揪着胡子过河( ) 电线杆上绑鸡毛( ) 字谜:1.两只狗,草下走.( ) 2.一点一横长,一撇向西方;兄弟正十八,并立石头上.( )两个幼儿去砍柴,没有力气砍不来;双双躲进深山里, 英语作文:planning a visit to ()planning a visit to ()要求不少于六句话,六十个词根据提示写which city/country do you plan to visit?which places are you gong to visit?when are you going to leave?how are you going to get the 英语作文A plan of a visit(六年级程度) Linda always gets up early改为否定句:Linda ____ gets up early 什么是木桶理论? 木桶理论 木桶原理是什么意思呢 谁知道什么是”木桶理论”? 如何写‘木桶理论’的启示. 英语字母中有哪几个元音字母 英语字母中有那几个元音字母 could you give me a give me a chance是什么歌?有首歌里面有这句歌词,但我不知道是什么歌,貌似是女生唱的. Give me a Chance 英语短文 谁有, give me a chance 急求托福口语第1题例子和提示!1.如果别人去你的国家,你推荐什么食物给他?WHY?2.你再不就未来会去做的一件ACTIVITY?3.(好的老板,灵活的时间,友好的同事,)什么因素对工作环境很重要? 高分求托福口语第2 题例子和提示!1.Do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments?2.小孩应不应该学draw or paint?3.do you like to memorize your experience by wirting diary or taking pictures? 1.He told me a new bridge ---- in his village the next year.A,built B.will build C,will be built D. would be built.请给答案的同时给一个详细点的解释.2.It's going to rain,---the sky is dark为什么用for?for当并列连词时解释成 The villagers told us that a new bridge_____across the river in a year.A.would be builtB.was builtC.has been builtD.had been build为什么选A而不选D呢?请分析解题思路 虫虫危机英文简介我需要虫虫危机的英文简介,字数在30-50字左右, 求虫虫特工队电影英文简介?100字左右长一点! 虫虫特工队英文台词 虫虫特工队的经典台词 英语 不少于10句 虫虫特工队这部电影用英语应该怎么说?十万火急.请大家多多帮忙! 托福口语第1题想不到例子,请大家帮忙提供!急!1.a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends?2.One of the advantages of living abroad and explain it with details3.Do you prefer to travel to some whe 托福口语第2题想不到例子,...1.团队训练小孩的竞争还是合作能力?2,老师是不是应该要求学生参加regular discuss?3.Do you like to go to the same place for you vacation,or different places and spend little time at each pl