
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 03:55:02
英语翻译不要用翻译软件 The teacher asked a difficult question,but finally Ted ________ a good A.came up with B.kept up with C.went through with D.put up with The professor asked a difficult question,but finally Tom ___a good answer.A.put up with B.kept up with C.came up with D.went through with 选哪一个啊? How does love teeth day come? how many love teeth Days do we have by2009? how many love teeth days do we have by the end of Always does not have Fool's Day in love什么意思如题 they thought,for example,that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deerrun as fast as the deer中as fast as the deer是同级比较级做方式状语?那run就是动词?动词短语做宾语补语?would make是委婉还是一般过去将来 They were of the kind that would make (your hair stand on end)代替画线A you remember them B you feel scared C your hair straight 温岭9月5日和6日会下雨吗 澳门最近一直下雨吗?9月15日会晴吗?在澳门,讲普通话那边听的懂吗?那边人会讲普通话吗? Ted made no answer when MrLi asked him the question=Ted_ _ _answer when MrLi asked him the questionTed后是三格,9:00前给! 同义句:1.Do they make trains in that factory?____trains_____in that factory?2.Mei Ling gave me a surprise last week.A surprise______ ______ _____me by Mei Ling last week.3.My mother made my father cook meals.My father_____ _____ _____cook meals ________ himself in looking after the children,he had little time to finishA.Occupied B.Occupying C.Having been occupied D.Being occupied “过山车,碰碰车和划船”用英文怎么说 英语单词碰碰车,寿司, she was too excited(to say )a word ,用“to say”,为什么不用to talk 、to speak、to tell 快来英语碰碰车!一.根据首字母提示填写单词,补全句子.1.Now many people don't like to live in big cities.They like to live in m________-sized ones.2.We can see more and more tall b_______in Hangzhou.3.The students are working 三一汽车制造公司英文名 我叫杨明.给张强.来意:邀请看足球赛 时间:明天下午15:30 地点:人工体育场 求英语便条你的好朋友王华约你周日一起去听讲座,但你周末要加班不能前去.请你给王华写一张便条,告诉他你不能去的原因 一枝独秀用英语怎么说 She wondered how little they had to be thankful for.请详细分析这个句子结构 She wondered how little they had to be thankful for.请详细分析这个句子的宾语从句部分 天下无双用英语怎么说是“天下无双”哦 帮忙写篇英语60字便条 急!Liu Yi writes to his english teacher Mr shao:to have an english Evening,to invite him to make a speech.Time : 7:30,15 OctPlace: the Student's Club 请帮我找下see you wrong 的歌词行不?我要完整版的. Illmillion ft Jerrilyn - See You Wrong 歌词 文章文体常识填空1 小说的三要素是指:人物、情节和环境.其中( )是中心要素.2 文章的表达方式有:记叙、说明、议论、描写和( ).3 散文这一文体的最主要的特点是( ). 散文文体知识填空散文,是一种( )的文学体裁.题材广泛,可以写真人真事,也可以虚拟加工.行文自由,任意发挥,如行云流水;结构布局,不拘一格,分合自如.注重文采,或( ),或( )给人一艺 有关“表”这种文体的知识填空、、表是古代奏章的一种,是( )的文体,即臣子给皇帝的书信,内容多是( ),常用( )等表达方式.南宋诗人陆游高度评价《出师表》,说道“ ( ,)”.(空很 前辈们.大学英语六级的改错题在答题卡上怎么写答案呢 看的答案有点犯蒙.答案上都是带“箭头”的最好给我举几个例子 比如删去一个词,增加一个词换掉一个词 都是怎么写的 辛苦了