
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 22:33:01
“天上九头鸟,地上湖北佬”是指湖北人的哪一点? 天上九头鸟,地上湖北佬.简说意思 “天上九头鸟,地上湖北佬”是形容湖北人的什么 the coat next to mine is Jacky's 对jacky's进行提问.怎么the coat next to mine is Jacky's对jacky's进行提问. 女字旁的褒义词和贬义词 )tourists go to hainan for holidaysa,many b,severalThe teacher( )his student,"you are good"a,encouraged b,encouraged in c,practicedpraised怎么不对呢?c,是 我打错了是不是a和c都可以 包邮是什么意思? 不包邮是什么意思 包邮和不包邮是什么意思? 填空Yesterday,Mary and i ______(代表)our school,went to the airport to pick up visitors 大家帮忙看看我写的这句英语有没有错I am glad to hear that your company is recuiting people who are capable,I wish I can join your company and do as much contribution to your company as I can.It will be my honor to talk to you face to I like ()best ,because flowers come out in this season.a:spring.b:autumn.c:winter.d:summer. 天上九头鸟, Jimmy said sorry to me because he'd broken my glasses=Jimmy ____ to me for ___ my glasses 首字母填空 1.Winter is the most d___driving season due to many reasons.2.If you drive,it takes l___to stop the car.So,remember that every time you start or s___your car or bike.两道题目是同一篇文章里的,谢谢 六1班种了200棵树,六2班种了100棵,六1班比六2班多种百分之几? 你遇到过什么困难 是怎样处理的 有什么经验教训100-200字 一批树,1班取走100棵和余下的1/10.2班200棵和余下的1/10……树完了,各班树数相等.棵树,个班? 一棵树苗按下列放法由各班领取:第一班取100棵和余下的10分之一,第二班取200棵和余下的10分之一,.第三班取300和余下的10分之一.最后树苗全部取完,且各班的树苗数都相等,求树苗总数和班级 It is winter now .A lot of people are in Hainan ____vacation 为什么说天上九头鸟,地上湖北佬?请问“天上九头鸟,为什么湖北人这么狡猾?林彪是湖北人他为什么那么厉害? 春风像母亲的手抚摸着你(用抚摸好还是用吹好) 天上九头鸟,地上湖北佬,是形容我们湖北人的精明.那还有谁知道对别的省的人是怎么形容的啊? -would you go to see the flower show with me this afternoon?-I'm sorry,I'm busy and I ()it twiceA see B saw C have D had seen 甲 乙两人练习短跑比赛,甲每秒跑7米,乙每秒跑6.5米(1)如果甲让乙先跑5米,几秒后甲追上乙?(2)如果甲让乙先跑1米,几秒种后甲追上乙 一剪梅(蒋捷)·舟过吴江 要翻译 著名的大海有哪些 how big he is还是how large It is fun _________(lie) in the sun on the beach How wide is America?哪里错了 it's relaxing to lie on the beach.改为同义句 第(2)的剩下两空咋填?