
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 18:48:31
English is widely used in business letters b____ different countries. my brother and i wear the same clothes同义句 有什么有电子词典还有整句翻译得手机?多少钱? 英语翻译想买电子辞典,整句双向翻译的,准确度要高,咱可不能被别人给误了呀,其它功课的就不需要了,偶都老大不小了,高中以下课程N年前就学完了.大家有什么好推荐的吗?文曲星?还是. 《卖伞姑娘》的答案,短文就不发了哦,文中卖伞姑娘主要有哪些性格特点?文中划线句子作简要分析(1)每当缠绵的细雨裹住这个城市的时候,这种思念就如同四处弥漫的细雨一样,无边无 which of the foiiowing is NOT true?翻译成汉语 “I love you frankly”和“Thank you for accepting my invitation”说的是什么意思? 描写丁香花的作文 Which of these is not used to make an omelette? 步步高A4的整句翻译下载我看到同学的A4有整句翻译 我的为什么没尤? 电子词典中步步高9288与好易通翻译王都怎么样?电子词典中 步步高外语通9288 与 好易通牛津翻译王 哪个更好? 价格差不多,功能了解的也不很详细.所以特向各位请教. 请问,哪款更好呢? 如果您 what TV programs does Danny like to watch 回答是什么 work on,work out,work in work to有什么区别求大神帮助 i can't go to the film with you because this work ()at once.为什么填must be done,不是有主语i的吗?how long will it take you ()the repairs?(complete)这句话什么意思? It must be John who is in the office.I'm sure it()be John.Isaw him off at the railway station justtwenty minutes ago.A.won't B.mustn't C.can't D.needn't选哪个?为什么? This friengship needs some This firendship needs some This firendship needs some work what vegetable do you like eating?这句话对吗?胡萝卜是蔬菜 这句话怎么翻? 德语名字Dr.A B ,那么A是Vorname,B是Nachname对不对.称呼这个人用Herr A 是不是不对啊,应该是Herr 在一本商务信函(应该是很正式的文件)的书上看到这样的写法: Lester AG Abteilung Einkauf Her 为什么P是What letter sounds like a vegetable? 堂吉诃德的主要内容 读鲁迅《风筝》一文中的“精神上的虐杀”的感想 sweep.could.please.floor.you.the what can you do 的回答有几种?能不能直接回答.sweep the floor he was at home most of the time watched TV 这句话写的对不对? Lucy,could you please sweep the floor? _________Lucy,could you please sweep the floor? _________ A.It is broing B.NO,not at all C.Yes,sure D.It does not matter 《堂吉诃德》的两个精彩情节概括 The most of his time he __was what he spared from his playing timeA made to learning B took in learning C took to learning D made to learn _______ one time,Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.a、Onb、 Byc、 Atd、 Of 常读常新的人鱼公主阅读答案童话,并不只是给儿童读的.我在成年之后,还常常读童话.每当烦心的时候,从书架上随手扯出的书,必是童话.比如安徒生的《海的女儿》,我就读过多遍,它也被翻译 可以告诉我做爱的具体过程吗?越详细越好,谢谢