
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:29:58
I'm so sorry to have put you to so much trouble.划分一下这个句子的成分 --I`m very sorry to have caused you so much trouble,Mr Green.--( )A.My pleasure B.I hope not C.You are welcome D.That`s all right 哈尔滨3、4月份天气怎么样,温度大约多少.下月去那里需要穿什么衣服 like,tell,her,secrets,to,other,she,does,friends'连词成句 现在哈尔滨的气温是多少? 每次打开洪恩软件从零学英语都要解压每次都要花十多分钟,很是麻烦,我想问下,怎么才能让他向其他软件一样点击就打开. I'm very sorry I have given you so much trouble怎么回答 I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.哪个单词是不定式 哪个单词是谓语动词完成时:表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前. --So sorry to have given you so much trouble.--____.A.No trouble at all.B.Don't be sorry. They are piaying basketball in the playground.改一般疑问句 -Sorry to have given you so much trouble.-____.A.No trouble at all.B.Don't be sorry. i am sorry to()you so much trouble A have given B have been given C have been giving D giving这道题选什么,请说明 世界各种武术的排名上海 世界上的功夫有哪些?比如什么中国武术啊 韩国跆拳道啊 还有些什么? 马克吐温这个笔名有什么含义,他为什么要给自己起这个笔名 马克吐温是 现实主义 文学家,他的这个笔名的意思是 马克吐温 这个笔名是什么意思 他为什么给自己取这个笔名 语文六下题.1.马克吐温这个笔名是什么意思?他为什么给自己取这个笔名?2.他一直在这里经受着极端困苦,但梦想财富始终没有降临到他身上.财富是指什么3.这是这些财富和他的努力,使马克吐 At school they play football ----class.用什么介词 They often play ball games ___school.空格里应填啥介词? there has been a picture on the wall for a long time.the picture has been on the wall for a long time. there has been a picture on the wall for long time. THE boy othen ____(play)baskerball after school basketball,we,field,play,on,the(.) 英语翻译谁能用英语把(狮子王)这部片子用英语翻译出来(简介) 狮子王用英语怎么说不应该是 King Leo或King Lion吗 英语翻译“质量优于价格,服务高于承诺”我试了好多种,感觉都不怎么好, 这句话怎么翻译比较好In the case of the Dosimats for dibutylamine and methanol, the GO button must be pressed briefly to start the metering process – the FILL button is used to interrupt the process. 英语翻译She also spent four years as a board member and Director for Crime Stoppers. '功夫不负有心人"英语怎么翻译 功夫不负有心人英语 功夫不负有心人英语怎么说?