
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 02:58:30
小华很不爱运动,可用什么名言来劝他 小明在一次考试后,因成绩不理想,就不爱学习了,请你用一句名言警句来劝劝他:(不会做呀亲们,) 三相电9000瓦的热水器要用多大漏电开关 解剖学 闭眼是那块肌肉收缩 肌肉的肌有什么词语? some mutton_____on the table and some hamburgers_____in the bag .A.are are are C.are isWould you like somethin to eat?_____ I‘m hungry.Are there ————potatoes in the beef noodles Yes,there are________A.any any b.some any c.any someWhy d 英语翻译这是barron听力上的:this is important because you can be off by almost 100 billion if you get confused by these terms.not a good idea. 翻译一句话 拒绝翻译器They further argue that customer responsiveness refers to: [. . .] accurately and insightfully giving customers what they need, want or do not yet know they want. And it is about consistently doing so more quickly that 英语翻译记得最初对朋友这个词有明确认识 是在我十岁左右!译成韩文 刚才忘说了 解剖学里的,名词解释 听骨链,急需答案! 解剖学名词解释:颈动脉小球 英语翻译A third party at a table for two I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude But it was me and you before you met her And all the live songs you wrote for me (You) stuck her name where mine used to be But my name in them fit the Rhythm betterI'd go 下列各点中不属于右主支气管特点的是A较短B较粗C走行较水平D分上中下肺叶支气管E走行较垂直 气管呼吸音,支气管呼吸音,支气管肺泡呼吸音,肺泡呼吸音的特点 英语翻译汽车CAN控制防盗系统设计与实现 英语翻译牛仔裤最初源于西部淘金者身上厚实的帆布裤,这种帆布裤深受牛仔喜爱.他们穿上它更好适应西部气候和牧场工作,后人就称之为“牛仔裤”.时过境迁,当年粗重的劳动装如今已演化 英语翻译在节能技术呼声高涨的今天,LED 照明将成为照明技术的发展主流已成为共识.由于其高能效,人们普遍认为用LED灯取代传统的灯泡、荧光灯是一种非常环保的做法.\x05本文简要介绍LED发 怎样写好读后感.要分几步,大概写什么? 写好以读后感怎写 这是一位管理者写的:I pondered the business and government-related scandals that have occupied the front pages of newspapers,it became clear that a good manager in today's world must have courage and a strong sense of integrity.He or She mu 他将会早起床_____ _____ _____get up earlyWould you like _____ (go)shoppingWe plan _____ (vist) the Great WallThe children are f____ kites in the parkThe new term b______Look linda is _____ (lie) on the beach 我的wii死机后没有办法重启 按重启键没有反应 长按主机上的电源也没有反应,按了1分多钟死机还是死机 电源灯任然都是绿色,每次死机都是拔插头,心里怕怕的 请问这是机器的问题么?有什么 英语翻译Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their school-bags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started,Today,however,all have changed .If you still come backto school with only these things,you are 科普文章,读后感~..写篇参考下! 求两篇科普文章读后感500字左右 玛雅文明为什么消失?自然灾害?发在过快? 玛雅文明怎么消失了 下列分子,各是有哪几种分子构成的?请把其中同类的原子放在一起,共有几类,属于几种元素?水(H2O) 氢气(H2) 二氧化碳(CO2) 一氧化碳(CO) 氧气(O2) 英语 rice is usually (grown) in areas where (there) is plenty of water为什么括号里不填growing,水稻不是主动生长的吗?还有为什么要加个there,我觉得应该去掉啊 科普文章读后感怎么写 科普文章读后感 英语翻译我最近是怎么了?每天都是心事重重的往日那个开心活泼的我找不到了.命中注定我喝迪吧无缘!那个地方和我很遥远或许是你把我伤的太深~让我变得如此难受.恨你.会忘记你的~不配留