
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:16:20
It is ______ hall that holds 1,000 people.A.a large B.such a large C.so large a D.too large a 如何培养孩子的课外阅读兴趣 "我发誓"英文怎么说?还有,我保证呢 我发誓的英文 英语在线翻译我发誓 “我发誓,不会再有下次了” 用英文怎么说 What are you sorry for sorry what are u talking 我发誓,我要给她幸福.的英文怎么说? Are you sorry for what you've done? 英语翻译怎么用汉语翻译 The teacher thought little of the matte because he considered it a small potato是什么意思 the teacher thought little of matter because he considered it a small potato.是什么意思,谢谢帮忙啊谢谢了 母亲守点 课外阅读题我上床的时候是晚上11时,外面下着大雪.我缩到被子里面,发现闹钟停了.天这么冷,我不愿意再起来,给母亲打了一个长途电话:“闹钟没电池了,明天还要去上班,早上6时,你 The teacher thought little of the matter because he consideredit a small potato.什麽意思啊 母亲的生日 课外阅读课外阅读 I can see how English is used in daily life as well.的中文意思 英文演讲My Daily Life开始要怎么讲好呢?因为是演讲,所以刚开始要讲得像在演讲.后面的内容我自己会写,Daily Life的开篇要怎么写.我是为即兴演讲做准备。 有没有像Kira 、Elva这样的女生英文名 I am sorry for what I said to you为啥what I said to you 是个定语呢 I am sorry for what I said to you.what做I said to you的什么成分 一双运动鞋 a pair of running shoes a pair of sports shoes这两个表达都可以吗 help you with your English什么意思 My life is my message..这句英文的意思是什么?肯定不是:我的生命就是我的信息.我估计是依据谚语, 求所有台湾明星的英文名越多越好哦!张韶涵 Angela范玮琪 Fan Fan all i know is my life is gone如题.这句话没问题么? 女人30如狼40如虎是什么意思?谁能告诉下经常有朋友说着些我不怎么懂?我的好奇心想知道是什么意思?朋友帮个忙 30-40岁的女人喜欢什么样的男人?30真的如狼40真的如虎吗 为什么说女人30如狼,40如虎,50坐地能吸土?吸土是指那样? Let's help him with his English,( 求解答英语阅读理解 Let me help her with her English 用中文怎么写