
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:02:26
From her______ ,I guess she must come fromthe West of America.A sound B voice C accent D noise I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. 关于情态动词May的用法Hi,May I ask you some questions ,Mr.Green?( )A Yes,you may B Yeah,thank you C No,you can't.D Yes,you can.这个一个选择A还是D啊,为什么呢,急用 请问,英语单词guess是什么意思? 关于孝心的事件,150字左右,加感想 读《孝心》有感主要内容是:有一个13岁的女孩在一个富裕的人家做保姆.一天,主人给她一个月饼,小女孩不舍得吃,留着让她母亲尝尝.但是等到她回家的时候,那个月饼已经发霉了.就是那小女 能帮我解决以下英语问题you talk so loud in the library.B mustn't C can't为什么答案是C.不是在图书馆用禁止的吗?mustn't应该是禁止吧 我想去美国打工,锻炼锻炼我的口语如题 请帮我解决以下几个英语问题(急!)1、waht is meaning of your name(Jasmine,这个名字有什么深层含义,说实话我也不知道,所以大家根据自己的理解答就是了)2、could you tell me something about your school life( 请帮我解决以下几个英语问题.1.real和true的区别.2.有start doing sth.吗?它和start to do sth.;begin to do sth.;begin doing sth. 有什么区别?3.My mother works _____ anEnglish teacher.A.as B.of C.is D.for答案及原因,谢 求下列函数的二阶导数(1)y=e^√x(2)y=(e^x)cosx 这个课文的主人公是谁 课文主人公是谁 魔禁和电磁炮里的学园都市用英文怎么说?谁有看过英文的字幕组.怎么翻译成英文的?...只要翻译学园都市就行了,前面几个字是说明出自哪里的= =不好意思没说清楚。 英语 初中八大时态 使用方法,结构构造 l例句…… 解决问题英语 That duck is (swimming) slowly.对画 ( )部分提问.(其实在练习册上就是对画线部分提问) 1、 His seat is next to _______and the bag on his seat belongs to_______.A.mine,he B.me; him C.me; his D.mine; him 2、— What do you think of Linda?— I like .A.him B.she C.her D.he 求理由 The duck is swimming slowly(对slowly提问)?是不是这样:How is the duck swimming? 请问 伟大的友谊 这篇课文的主人公是谁?是以什么为题?奇丽的近义词是什么 What's your mother's favourite season?My mother's favourite season is______.怎么填?要完整、具体. 呻的组词,除了呻吟? 根据话题写单词或词组(话题:school) 有哪些科学家的发现受到了迫害 已知直线L的斜率为-2,且与两坐标轴围成的三角形面积为4,求直线L的方程, 骂人的单词 词组MORE AND MORE 哪些科学家因科学发现而受到迫害 模仿例句回答下列各题,并作出否定回答He went to the cinema yesterdayQuestion:Did he go to the cinema yesterday?Question:Where did he go yesterday?Negative:He didn`t to the cinema yesterday1.he bought a new carQ:Q:N:2.she can come tomor 1.What we care about most is what action you are going to__to stop the situation from getting worse.A.what B.that C.which D.when2.I've suggested that she should move on several__,but she never takes any notice.A.cases B.situations C.occasions D.backg 请解决以下英语问题:单选题:1.This is ______ class.first B.a her first C.her first2.Children often go to school ______ the age of six.at B.in C.on3.I ______ think ______ scary./,it's not B.doesn't,it's C.don't,it's4.My grandfather knows some other thing,有这种说法吗? some other thing怎么翻议