
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 02:59:37
— Pardon?Say it again,Tom,______?(反义疑问句)求详细解答— Pardon?Say it again,Tom,______?— I wonder if we'll hand in our composition today.[ ]A.Do you B.don't you C.will you D.are you— Pardon?Say it again,Tom,______?— I w What?可不可以表示没有听清楚别人的话,要求重复.我知道应该用Beg your pardon...Please say again之类的这样会不会显得没礼貌? the boy covered himself with a b___ covered with和covering withthe mountain looks attractive ( ) with heavy snowA.covering B.covered老师说是B,为什么不是A呢,伴随状语, a good command of Grammar 的意思据说是良好的语法?可是command不是命令什么的意思吗 I WONT HAVE A BOY FRIEND是什么意思 1.We usually ______ the boy Lulu .I have a friend ______ Jim. We usually ______ the boy Lulu .I have a friend ______ Jim. “waiter”! “ ” A.ok! B.all right C.yes? D.pardon recommends taking one packet twice daily with meals 英文翻译 外国人说what直接说wt? 矩形的面积是S,它的长边为a,求两条对角线所成的锐角同上,要求:反三角函数表达 按要求写单词 coior ( ) subject( ) weather ( ) season( ) 并写出中文 1已知矩形的一边长等于对角线的一半,则两对角线相交所成的锐角是2梯形的面积为80cm平方,高为10cm,则梯形的中位线长为3直角梯形的两底边分别为3和7,斜腰与底边的夹角为45°,那么高为4任一 co|or,subject,weather,season写4个一样意思的单词 英语翻译:不吃早餐不是减肥的好方法 两个空 is a not a good way to lose weight. 一个矩形的对角线长等于长边长的一半与短边长的和,则短边长与长边长的比为?A 3分之2 B 4分支3 C D 3+根号10 Though he was angry at the naughty boy's rudness,he ____ himself and talked to him with patience.A.persuaded B.calmed选哪个,为什么? 英语翻译weight 49% reduced怎么翻译呢,是减少到49%呢,还是减少了49%.并且减少到49%呢,还是减少了49%,都怎么用英语说呢.那reduced by 49% 是减少到49%呢,还是减少了49% 在矩形abcd中,对角线ac=26.ab=24,则△bcd的周长是? 矩形ABCD ,对角线AC,BD交于O点,AF垂直DB于F点,角BCD的平分线CE交FA的延长线于E点,求证AC等于AE. 设ABCD是矩形,沿对角线DB将△BCD折起1,设ABCD是矩形,沿对角线DB将△BCD折起,使C在平面DAB的射影E恰好在AB边上,(1)求证:平面ABC⊥平面ACD,平面DBC⊥平面ACD(2)如果AD:AB=1:√3,试求二面角C-AD-B的正弦值 what a heavy fog加不加a 对 heavy提问 是用what 还是how It's ___(需要) for us to drink 2L of water every day. After studying in America for seven years, Lily’s brother ______ his job as a doctor in Japan.A. took up B. took over C. took in D. took on For those who work with their brains most of the day,the practice of sport is (especially )usefu括号中的为什么不改成specially 星空之守望者用英文怎么说 守望者《watchman》里面的一句英语台词.曼哈顿博士把女主带到火星上之后,发现笑匠是她的亲身父亲,说了句“He was your father.”请问,为什么这里用was,而不是is. Have hated you to the utmost degree 1011514:research on the effects of home internet use on children's academic performance is virtually nonexistent.想知道的语言点:1—children's academic performance:怎么翻译?2—本句怎么翻译?1_research on the effects of home inter Bill is a good boy.(改为感叹句)