
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 18:32:49
tall的反义此词是什么? 形容价格高用那个词.high big tall? 动词不定式的用法,在什么时候用? 宝安昂立国际英语的优惠活动还有多久啊. 昂立英语教师的资格是什么? Masha is _____of two Australian students.是the taller 还是the tallest为什么 Linda is ( )of the two girls under the tree.A.taller B.tallest C.the taller D.the tallest为什么? How old is Tom now? can you help me do the work?can you ____ me __ the work?怎么填 can you help me——do the house work英语选择题A、with B、/ C、two 我国的历史朝代顺序是什么?请大家详细阐述下我国的朝代顺序, 中国朝代顺序说清楚些, 我国朝代的顺序 全部啊战国,三国,春秋在哪个朝代之间,我彻底搞晕了!还有,晋在秦后还是秦前啊?刘备死后到他的儿子是不是蜀就灭了? It takes me about 2 hours to get to Shanghai Museum by bus .(同义句)I _________ about 2 hours to Shanghai Museum by bus. 英语翻译6、幽默感在遇到狡辩的情况下,一个幽默的批评将是很有帮助的.7、很强的记忆力一个理想的测试者应该有能力将以前曾经遇到过的类似的错误从记忆深处挖掘出来,这一能力在测试 描写太阳、阳光的词:例“晨光微熹” 要四字词 (不少于3个)Thank you someone is waiting for you at the gate. 英语翻译用以下条件,写一篇作文.外加翻译How often do you exercise?How often do you eat fruit?How many hours do you sleep every night?How often do you drink milk?How often do you eat junk food?How often do you drink coffee? 英文短语:hold me close! 要组词一个什么太阳呢 光组什么词 She had been waiting for Bob to break down the barrier between them.中的语法 英语翻译要翻译准确,可以汉译英,英译汉,翻译单词,翻译单词要带英标 英语翻译Chinese athlete Liu Xiang,winner of gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympics,published his book,I’m Liu Xiang,recently in his hometown of Shanghai.It seems that many people can’t help comparing Liu Xiang with anot 邯郸孩子上初三想补英语去哪里啊 英语翻译先翻译the literature of dream,然后再翻译summary of 么 英语翻译简短一些行么^^~ The train has just left when we arrived at the station.We ________.must hurry should have hurried need to have hurried must have been hurrying the train ____(leave) by the time we arrived at the station all后面加名词一定有冠词the? all接名词为什么要加the?是所以情况都要加the比如这句话All the oil has been used up.为什么要加the呢?是all后面的所以名词都要加the吗?但就算是特指的话oil不是不可数物质名词吗为什么还要加the呢? 请问all of 后边儿一定接名词是一定要跟the或者其他什么词么?