
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 09:36:29
秦朝长城东西到什么地方? 求高人批改雅思作文,请问这样能拿多少分呢?Some people believe that children are given too much free time.They feel that this time should be used to do more school work.To what extent do you agree?As many schools are alleviating the b 寻求高人批改雅思作文!Along with the development of economics and society,more and more people can affprd the international travel.However,there are different cultures in varied countries.Nowadays,the cultural differences has become a proble 求高人帮我打分,雅思作文.谢谢Question,necessary trvel abroad to learn about other counties or see at tv or the Internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own one.At present, a many student chooses to gain knowledge from electronic devi ..最好能给个分数Children can learn efficiently by watching television.Should children watching television regular both in school and at home?Discuss agree or disagree.When it comes to television,as one of the most significant invention,the maj 找计数.测量.标号.排序.16世纪初,巴西沦为葡萄牙的殖民地,巴西人名受到残酷的剥削和压迫.1882年,巴西独立;1889年建立巴西联邦共和国.巴西的自然条件优越,资源丰富,约有可耕面积3亿7千万 记数 标号 排序 测量是什么意思 找出下列那些事计数、测量、标号、排序公元前7世纪、2000余年、5130千米、5000万立方米、1.5亿立方米、宽1米、高5米、地球绕赤道约1周、宽5米、厚50厘米、地球绕赤道约2周. 星期是表示什么 标号、排序、计数、测量星期一、星期二像这样的是表示标号?计数?排序?还是测量? Xn=1/2*(X(n-1) +2/X(n-1)),X1>0 证LIM Xn=根号2为什么X1>0可以得到Xn>0? 设函数F(X)=√3-2X²的定义域为集合A,则集合A∩Z中元素的个数是 什么叫计数,什么叫测量,什么叫标号,什么叫排序 哪些属于计数和测量,哪些表示标号或排序? 求y=sin(x+y)所确定的隐函数的二介导数 雅思小作文 ,最好能给个评分,急考,The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.文章:Th 雅思小作文评分和修改.The chart reveal an the change in the number of British people use Internet over the period from1995to present.In general,We are easy to find,In 1995 only few people used the Internet.but in 1995 later,We can find used 雅思的作文求高手指导!,最好给个评分急谢谢了.Should governments spend money on art,when they have so many other important issues and concerns?You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with 雅思小作文,请大家帮忙评分,后天考试了The table below gives information about the numbers of international students from four areas of the world who came to study at university level in a western country in 2000 and 2005.Summarise the the USA,the的发音是什么? 雅思小作文批改题目是雅思4的test1的小作文,这篇作文怎么样,大概能得多少分啊,The chart demostrates the percentage of different types of families living poor in Australia in 1999.According to the chart,the family of aged co 雅思小作文批改这是我写的,剑桥雅思第五册,test two 中的writing rask 1肯定写得不怎么样,但我下个月就要去考.希望高手们能够给点意见,哪些地方错啦,哪些地方用其它的方式表达更好啊,或者哪 求批改雅思小作文~我是新手,学了两节课,求批改!是图表题,表没有,就是请各位高手帮我看看语法和用词什么的~The pie chart describes students' spending on different things,such as rent,food,school fees,entertainmen 能简算的要简算小六数学题!一.5/11×3/4+6/11÷4/3+0.75二.1/4÷(1-1/2-1/4)三.7/8×5/13+7/13×3/8四.(9又1/4-3.2)÷2又1/2+1.68 雅思小作文,曲线的,求批改,求指错谢谢各位大牛及烤鸭同路人!The line graph illustrates the death rate and the birth rate in a developing country between 1900 to 1970.It is clearly that at the first decade(1900~1910) both death r 小六简算?1+ (1/1+2) +(1/1+2+3 )+…+(1/1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)括号只是为了加以辨别 在新的国际形势下,我国的外交战略是什么? 我国如何应对国际形势的变化 求x/y=lnxy 所确定的隐函数的导数 加拿大温哥华是震区?经常地震? 想知道:北纬22度19点44分东经114度19点25分 在哪? 温哥华是否有过大地震?温哥华是地震多发区.问下温哥华曾经有过大地震吗? 都说温哥华要地震,最近很多报道说温会有9级强震,俺准备把登陆地改为多伦多了.