
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 19:45:33
德语中的舌颤音怎么发 关于练德语的R颤音我想知道大家练这个发音是练了多久才成功的.我是含一点点口水来练, 几天下来喉咙疼到不行. 连平时说话的声音都变有点沙了. 一吞口水就不能发颤音.另外舌头有没有 there is likely 后面可以直接加句子吗?那如果一定要用这个结构,后面应该加什么啊? process-fieldbus是什么意思 关于如何发大舌音r 大舌音怎么发啊同学说让我把舌头放在上颚,然后用气,可是我每次一用气舌头就会吐出来,我看好多会大舌音的同学发音的时候舌尖都是在口腔里震动,我就是练不会,o(︶︿︶)o 唉,很是苦恼啊, 请问要怎样发大舌音?我会的一种是发"日"的时候舌头可以振动~但是感觉跟DELADELA那个不像~所以就想请问一下应该怎样发~我想学的是意大利语~ Their parents like salad中的空格填isn not,are not还是do not executive order 9066是什么 中国移动的MISC业务是什么意思? they promote the large-scale sale of the weapon.怎么翻译 塑料积木玩具好还是木质积木好? 有塑料3.6吨,如果15千克可生产小熊玩具60个,现有塑料可生产多少个玩具? 什么是移动里面的MISC请通俗一点 请问:手机中有项业务叫MISC的那是什么意思? The speaker ________ his notes before the lecture.A) ran downB) ran intoC) ran outD) ran over This is a good order of the city中文是什么意思 _a good many hotels and restaurants have been built in the city of Tianjinb.In the past ten years d.During the past ten years 为何选b b,d有何区别 ______is one of good properties of this metal.A:Light in weight B:Having been light in weightC:Be light in weight D:Being light in weight我知道缺主语...好的追分...我不知道什么原因... Mainframe computers were very large indeed,often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms,employing full-time technicians and run on specially-writtten software.这个句子里occupying employing run 都做Mainframe的定语..为什么前两个是现在 the ( ) computers were invented in 1976? The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers.谁帮我解剖一下这个句子,我完全看不懂. We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best professor in the collegeA.whatever B.whomeverC.whichever C.whoever选啥.原因.. 急求一分钟的英语演讲稿,speech...内容随便.要吸引人.(明星啊,友谊啊,等等等等)时间是1分钟之内.我在这里先谢谢了. 求一份Speech演讲稿TOPIC:why do people commit crimes?what cause especially important?why?一分钟左右 the professor wandered from the subject of his speech.懂的请自己翻译帮帮我哦.我不需要网页上的翻译.都不准确的 哪些中国儿女为祖国抛头颅洒热血 speech有演讲稿的意思吗? contingency Contingency tables是什么意思 请问德语小舌音在,比如kart的r怎么发? 孢子生物阶段盟友怎么变群落?