
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 14:38:11
(相机故障!T_T) do not(缩写形式) where's(完全形式) they are(缩(相机故障!T_T)do not(缩写形式)where's(完全形式)they are(缩写形式)isn't(完全形式)key(复数)no(同音词) 终极一家鬼龙出来的时候说的那句英语是什么意思,一直很想知道. The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake?怎么翻译? where和are可以缩写吗? Last year Mike earned ________ his brother,though his brother has a better position.A) twice as much asB) twice as many asC) twice thanD) twice as more as 新目标初中全套英语听力MP3 下载,有的话请发到我的邮箱:luwenzhou@yeah.net “To be the best man”英语缩短怎么怎么写? 是be best还是be the best When___you___the bike?Last month.A have,bought b had,bought c do,buy d did,buy 帝国时代2 The king's best man打到第五关的时候(就是最后一关),我五关都使用了polo和marco把地图全部显示可是东方的小岛上,有两个农民,后来出现了(c)2000什么的,就是一句句子,我看不懂, last year l________135cn.this year l_________145cm.哪个是am 哪个是was 你好.请问有2011的中级材料吗?、 gu2099@yeah.net 有的麻烦发一份谢谢了 只需MP3 无需文本 另外是2011版本的 按字母顺序的 第一个单词是abatement 黛安娜这个名字有什么含义? 黛安娜王妃是谁? 英文版黛安娜简介 黛安娜王妃为什么那么出名啊?是因为她美,还是做过很多了不起的事情的啊,她的一生是怎么样的? 各位达人帮我查一下处女座男生跟12星座女生配对指数.我是属兔的处女座,女友是属虎的天枰座(比我大一岁),大家顺便给个我俩缘分指数.呵呵,茶余饭后,权当娱乐. what are the three things,in your eyes,that are preventing you from improving your english skills? What two or three things are important to you in your new position? I hope to do the foiiowing three things in orde to improve my English的意思是我希望做以下这三件事从而提高我的英语水平请帮我想一下有哪3件事要用英语回答 1.Do you like football?() 2.Can I hava some sweets?() 3.Where are you from?()4.Will you take your ball?() 5.Is it tall?() 6.what will you do?() 7.Have you got a car?() 选填: A. I will go to school. b.No,I haven 't. c.Yes,I do. D.I'm from Linda came to Beijing to try her_ _ _ _(lucky,luck) Linda came to Beijing to try her_ _ _ Linda came (lucky,luck) Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily 各是什么意思?请翻译出几个词的中文意思! list the things you can do and you can't do whenyou are home alone --Here is the list of things you need to buy.Are you ____?--I think so.A.clean B.clever C.close D.clear Here are the-------[list]of our things.根据括号里的单词填空.快答吧..快答吧 描写思乡的诗句 爱我的女人在哪里?翻译英语 我我的女人不需要十分完美,只需要他十分爱我.如何翻译成英文 英语翻译请翻译正确点,谢谢(如有可能,希望可以有英文,法文,拉丁文)