
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:24:09
潇湘的解释 求对 "潇湘"一词的详细解释不要字典的解释了 最好能告诉我此词的出处 来历 诗句里经常有这个词,也不全都是指河水的意思吧,还有没有另外几种解释! 想找一首短一些的英文歌10行左右快$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A pickpocket steals from peoples bags and pockets so quickly that people do not know? he collects sickness bags people use to(from) planes 麻烦翻译一下, Could you give me a way _______people from_____plastic bags for shopping? stop;to use B.stopping;useC.for stopping; stop;usingD求原因 better get going这个词组的意思是最好现在就去可我不知道这是什么用法,没听说过啊,谁能帮我解释下呢? 男生对女生说Let's get 前提是男女之间没关系,女的刚失恋... 求 近代中国民主革命发展演变评析 详细点好 谢谢^_^ 好的可以追加分数^_^ Are ___your apples? 咋填? your,are,apples,those怎么组 "每两天的晚上要去工作" 英文怎么说?主要是“每两天的晚上”怎么简练的翻出来~就是隔天隔天工作~ What colour are your apples?是一句正确的句子吗? 这两天我生病了,英文怎么翻译? 墨竹图题诗的意思 a great discovery was He hit his head a__ the wall His d__ about the manatee was great 请说明理由, 机械手表中月份的显示如何保证31、30天,还有二月份的28/29天. 我买了块一百多的机械表,可是它每个月都是转到31号的,2月份明明是28号止的,却又转到了29号,我问服务员,她说所有机械表都是这样的,需要手动调,这是真的吗? 墨竹图题诗的题是什么意思? 墨竹图题诗词字的解释 1.他想出了一个计划惩罚汤姆.He thought out a plan _____________________ Tom.2.他总是第一个来办公室的人.He is always the first one _______________________.3.他买了一套房子住.He bought a house ___________________ (live)4. 1.He thought he d__ his keys in the market when he took out his wallet.2.When it's clear,you can see many stars in the s___ at night.3.There are four o___ on the earth and the largest one is the Pacific.4.M__ are regarded as the cleverest animals by He then thought of a plan to punish William Tell 中,to punish William Tell 做定语修饰 a plan,还是做状语修饰thought of ,我有点分析不清 有许多的解释不一样,我想明白最准确的,希望大家踊跃回答,付出五分,尽可能根据各位的回答进行追加奖赏,我需要的是《墨竹图题诗》的解释,这首诗是这样的:衙斋卧听萧萧竹,疑是民间疾苦 It happened that father had sent us upstairs because he thought he would be able to lock the door-which was twenty feet away-before the animal reached it which was twenty feet away是修饰谁的?是 那个动物距离20英尺远 还是 那个门距 博锤广东话什么意思 question problem matter trouble bother worry 哪些有复数形式 question什么时候用复数I can answer your questions这个用复数还是单数? 广东话博锤一次过是什么意思 博在粤语里怎么念?