
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 01:18:32
文言文出师表的翻译 暑假上哪补习英语好呀? 高中生暑期补习英语重点是? 证明几何体的题应该用什么思维去解?老师讲课都不好好讲,完全不懂. 现在还有没有有关人体科学的报纸或杂志就是像2000停刊的中国人体科学报一样的报纸,专门研究人体的特异功能之类的 一道完形填空Li Lei is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives 36 him.Uncle Wu has 37 children and he can’t see 38 .He works in the factory near Li Lei’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and 39 home at 4:30 in th 完形填空一道It`s Sunday.Mr.and Mrs White go to the shop.They want to buy their daughter some 71 .They start (出发) 72 eight thirty.There are too many cars on the way.They can`t 73 too fast and it`s not easy to park (停) their car.It is about 一道完形填空,A teenage girl couldn't stand her family rules,so she left home.She wanted to be a star and became famous.But she had 21 education and a few years 1ater,she had to ask for food on the street for a living.Now her father has died.Her 帮我做一道完形填空啊我急用.完形填空Mr Brown lived in a city .He __1__ all kinds of shoes in his own shop .He was __2__ to the buyers and the commodities(商品) were a little _3___ ,so people like to buy shoes in his shop .He got som 关于初中英语暑假补习的几个问题.我现在高一,这学期上课英语出现了很多术语,和英语基础语法和单词.我就是平时靠语感分数维持在80几,无论难易.我这个暑假想补下英语语法和单词词组等, 帮我做一道完形填空啊,我急用!Newton was a great English scientist (科学家).He was one of the greatest 1 in history.One morning he 2 up early and began to work on difficult problem.It was 3 to have breakfast,4 he was thinking about the 英语按首字母填空题Question:If you are lost,a m______can help you. 英语填空题.(按首字母)1.my mother asks me to have a glass of m_______ every morning.2.-I feel sleepy,ann-Why not have a cup of c______.3.You new glasses make you look d______.用适当形式填空.1.HE does ________(well)in playing basket 谁能帮我做道英语的根据首字母填空题?she felt very sad because she was not i____ to her friend’s birthday 我初中地理都学不懂怎么办啊! 初中生物地理成绩单怎么找? 怎么找不到呀? "花开彼岸本无岸"出自哪里?花开彼岸本无岸魂落忘川犹在川醉里不知烟波浩梦中依稀灯火寒花叶千年不相见缘尽缘生舞翩迁花不解语花颔首佛渡我心佛空叹 这应该是现代人写的,但不只是从 此岸与彼岸怎么写,主题是什么.令附上范文 此岸,非彼岸什么意思噢 此岸彼岸 身在此岸,心在彼岸, 探险,需要有强烈的集体主义观念和崇高的献身主义精神,以前的劳伦斯.奥茨和本文的刘连满等队员为列,写一篇心得笔记 七年级语文日记 100字左右 比30吨多30%是( ),30吨比( )少20% 30吨比()少20% 30吨比()吨多20%,比30吨少2030吨比()吨多20%,比30吨少20%是()吨 语文同步练习与测评27课答案全部 我念的是阜宁高等师范.想买一些关于教育学,心理学的教辅.和英语语文的教辅.求书名.以及网购的地址. 高中的英语笔记和语文笔记怎么做?我已经有教辅了,但是还需要准备笔记本吗?还是就记在书上?望读过重点高中的人们可以帮帮我啊! 《对岸》中的优美句子,说一说它使用的修辞方法和表达效果 彼岸花开开彼岸的全句要完整的句子有全句不 越多越好我追加分