
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:17:59
英语阅读这样一个句子:The golden rule here is spread your risk.语法是否正确?今天阅读到这样一个句子:The golden rule here is spread your risk.这句话中,is和spread都是动词,是不是应该改成to spread?或者有其 三道选择.——Would you like to _____ playing the piano for us on School Day ——Sure,playing on the stage is my dream.A.continue B.consider——Will you go to the party?——I won't unless I _____ allowed.A.am B.can be——I heard Tom was 用所给单词的适当形式填空_(fast)you walk,_(soon)you will reach there.Let's study this _(far)there.同义句替换,每空一词You will learn more if you study harder._ _ you study,_ _ you'll learn. the golden rule here is spread your riskThe golden rule here is spread your risk…… spread your risk 应该是个动词短语,怎么能做表语呢?至少也应该是to spread your risk is 后面跟动词这是什么用法呢?这是新概念 英语翻译望各种充分 类似于my coat is hanging there behind the door,表示状态吗 被动的进行时不是be being do类似于my coat is hanging there behind the door,表示状态吗 被动的进行时不是be being done吗 20年后回故乡600字 莫名其妙地难过得想哭,甚至真的哭了每一次都笑得很疯很疯,直到那一堵墙塌了,再也笑不出来了.之后就变得很容易哭,而且还哭的很伤心难过,不是假哭,(不要跟我说失恋什么的,我根本没谈 用所给单词的适当形式填空_(fast)you walk,_(soon)you will reach there.Let's study this _(far)there.同义句替换,每空一词You will learn more if you study harder._ _ you study,_ _ you'll learn. 1.Lance Armstrong has brought____(cycle) to the attention of the world.2.For____(Italy) the race is not just a sporting event but a____(history) event.3.Many people in the world use cars for work o____(please).把括号里所给的单词用正确形 Treat Her Like A Lady 中文翻译这首歌的歌词中文翻译 英语翻译臣见皇上每录重囚,多宥令从军,仁心若此.广屯田,公盐法,以厚储蓄.庶武备无缺,而外患有防.球方卧,起立,大呼太祖、太宗.颈断,体犹植. 有没有人用几句话说情马克思主义?不要粘贴的东西 有没有人知道休谟的思想?用几句话简单概括 已知Y+M与X-N成正比例,1.求Y与X的函数关系式2.若X=2时,Y=3,X=1时,Y=-5,求函数关系式要求:步骤清楚明了,容易理解 急需一篇描写青岛这座城市的英语口语材料 1.We all konw light_____much faster than sound.A travel B trxaelled C was trvaelling D trvaels2.He wants to_________(周游全世界)3.Light ____(trvael) faster than sound.请说明理由, 跪求英语口语一篇.最好是现写的.时间要求2-3分钟即可.内容关于.Which qualities do you look for in a girlfriend .本人男性 注意! There is no denying the fact that is has become a prevailing trend for XXX这句话有没有错误 应该怎么改? 英语翻译Not rich himself,Uncle Li never hesitates to help others.Previous to his retirement,through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study.From then on he sent them mo 什么动物会游泳写一点 加英文写多一点 要会游泳的啊 It's My Turn To Cry there is other aspect to be taken into consideration.there 的词性和成分?PS:知道是there be 的句型 求EXO:lucky、My Turn to Cry、Christmas Day、Don't Go、Peter Pan伴奏无和声的!一个也行!还有初雪! 一道初中英语语法题- Tom said to his sister,“You can come with me.”- What did Tom say- He told his sister that ------ with him.A、she might go B she might come这题为什么要选A?就是这一个语法知识点我不太懂,这里有个 大学英语3级B分数如何分配 The victim was able to give a___description of the suspect.A:precedeB:previewC:preciseD:prevail选哪个?为什么? 寻仙控火法师点离卦好还是兑卦好,2个卦象属性是什么? 设f(x)可导,求函数y=f(e^x)e^f(x)求自变量x的导数 函数f(x)=x的平方+2013 在x=2处有导数,在求f '(2)的过程中,设自变量的改变量为△x,则函数改变量 △y= 生活像沙漠这句话的解释一个字:两个字:再快!三个字: 求描写田园诗情有哪些