
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:03:56
电子膨胀阀与毛细管的区别是说空调中 What's your favorite neighborhood like?的英语文章怎么写?加上图 电子膨胀阀和毛细管节流的区别在空调系统里电子膨胀阀和毛细管同是节流元件,节流作用相同,但是似乎也有不同之处, Sometimes,you need to step outside,get some air,and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. 作文 What is your favorite place in your neighborhood?why?进行作文回答明天就要交了 毛细管与膨胀阀冰柜维修时可不可以用膨胀阀代替毛细管,假设我调的刚刚好. 英语“what your neighborhood is 怎么回答? what's your favorite neighborhood like?Draw it and write a passage to introduce 英语翻译你以为我矮小,卑微,不美,我就没有了感觉了吗?你错了,因为我们的灵魂是平等的,就像我们都是赤裸着来到这个世界一样. With the development of science, more new technology ______(introduce) to the field of IT.这题目答案是is being introduced,我觉得没语境的情况下,用will be introduced也可以啊,大家帮忙看看,谢谢 More Chinese astronauts _____________ into space with the development of science and technology.A) have been sent B) will be sent C) have sent D) will send There are________people in the passage? 难忘的欣赏音乐作文音乐可以调节心绪,陶冶情操,还又帮于拉近人与人之间的距离,使人们和谐相处.或许你也有过难忘的欣赏音乐的经历,用三四百字写出当时的情景和你的真切感受.今天中午 作文我喜欢的一首歌 我最喜欢一首歌作文 we need to buy some things for the party改成一般疑问句和否定句 she need some things 改错 用a, an,some完成句子 we need ___flowers for the party. 《三国演义》的心得体会 三国演义的心得体会不要太长 500字以下 There were six people in the room.对划线部分提问 划线部分为six 求修改初三英语作文大概会有很多语法错误……Unforgettable Experience,Some memory will not disappear when the time past.I'm 15 years old now,but an experience in my childhood is still clear and unforgettable.One day,all my family we 初三英语作文修改friends are essential in our life.of course,i have good friends.having problems with our friends is common.they are sometimes caused by a small thing.so i think the best way to deal with problems is to talk with your friends p 初三英语作文的修改Lily是你一个朋友他英语不太好给他写封信内容1.告诉她学好英语并不难、但学习方法很重要.2.激励她竖持作下去、并祝她进步(提几条自己的建议)我是一个初三学生,英语 With the rapid development of technology and science,can you image what you'll have in ten years? With the development of economy,more and more high technology and science rushing into big cities.这句话这样说对吗? With the rapid development of modern science and technology,our life ______easier and more comfortable.A.was made to beB.has been made beC.is being madeD.is making 英语翻译爱情红绿灯,信号到底灵不灵?是不是该走就走该停就得停... 英语翻译看来我没有必要去想你了,是你要离开我的,以后你的任何事情都会与我无关,为了我自己、我会活得比你好,我不会因为你而影响我的生活,你要知道!我的无情都是你造成的,我不会为了 简爱中的名句 形容自己喜欢的女孩子用可爱这个词她会生气吗?她却时比较可爱,让我爱不释手.她性格比较内向 英语作文《my holiday》六年级水平 带汉语用"be going to"句型