
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 21:17:59
我和我女朋友分开已经有大半年啦!现在她已经有男朋友.可惜是她很恨我,还能够说明她还爱我吗?她和现在的男朋友感情很好,那个男孩子有钱买到她,她虚荣心特别强 用宽大结实怎么造句? 英语口语-The Golden Weeka.Does the "Golden Week" system bring some opportunities to China?Illustrate them.b.How about the pressure caused by it?c.Should the "Golden Week" system be canceled?Or could you give some advice to solve this problem.这 托福报名的个人档案第一阶段的英文地址怎样填写?帮我翻译一下地址上海市曲阳路385弄4号 should the golden week be cancelled?翻译 托福创建个人档案英文地址问题请问在创建托福个人档案的时候,第一步要填写一个英文地址这个地址是填写我在读大学的地址还是家里地址? should the golden week be cancelled?写一篇主题作文该怎么写? a week 和one week以及the week的区别. 选哪个,Mr.Smith usually speaks so __in class that his students have no change to chat with each other.A.quietly B.slowly C.politely D.quickly 有一种爱叫刻骨铭心;有一种痛叫撕心裂肺;有一种伤叫彻彻底底;有一种恨叫无怨无悔;有一种情叫海誓山盟;有一种…… 续写 注意:有一种后面只能有一个字 ,最后要有4个字的形容词重复 英语翻译factored在这里的意思是什么 过点M(1.2)的直线L将图C:(x-2)*2+y*2=9.d分成两段弧.当其中的劣弧最短时,直线方程为?(x-2)*2+y*2=9 *2是平方 小学教师如何上好一节课 某科某位老师的一节课围绕这个题目写一篇短文.自选材料,500字左右! 3道初中英语选择$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2.You have only had one piece of cake.Would you like to have____?A.some more B.any more3.Gork looked very____.He looked at the aliens very____.A.angry...angry B.angrily...angrily C.angrily...angry D.angry...a 初中英语选择3道27.At last the policemen made out the _____in the darkness.It was Jim.A.finger B.footprint C.figure D.flight28.For the lack of food and water,a lot of children____the age of 5 died of some preventable diseases.A.in B.on C.beside 初中英语选择三道(要解释,详细加20)1.My home is about_______ our school.(B)A.10 miles far away B.10 miles fromC.10 miles far from D.10miles for问:C不可以么,因为一直记得老师说far a 浅析思想政治工作者如何提升自身素养 It is right for people中文 It is used by travelers and business people all over the world谓语是谁?all over the world是定语吗? 关于大数的知识 .江湖救急.可怜可怜我..有两副洗好的完全相同的扑克牌(规定面值从1到10),甲、乙两人各自在一副牌中抽出五张牌,甲摸出的五张牌中有4张面值相同为胜,乙摸出的五张牌花色相同且面值为 Is taht the small town you ofen ofer to?just the one __________you know I used to work for years.that which where what 选哪一个解释说明 Is taht the small town you ofen ofer to?Right,just the one--you know I used to wok for yearsA that B which C where D what 劳动者怎样提高自身素质,迎接市场挑战 nothing is gonna break it是什么意思? what the suck什么意思还有it is gonna be the sucker? 邻居小妹妹来问我.我tmd竟然不会做.太耻辱了. =我竟然不会写.瞧,小动物在洗澡,多可爱啊.快用几句话写下来吧.写的简单点就OK了.毕竟……这是一年级作文..我受伤了..大神们不给力额、你们忍心么。随便扯两句额。反正我是扯不出额。麻 一个小妹的问题 一个我小学一年级表妹说我傻 看不出来事 唉 可咋整啊?妹妹还教会我如何交朋友之类的 我觉得我缺心眼 我妹妹的一个题目,我用假设法做出来了,可是她们小学没教,有其他的方法做出来么? 我一家老小愣是没想出来!原题是这样的把“外”加一笔或者改一笔变成另外一个字,我的智商竟然连小学一年级的题都不会了