
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 22:07:42
--(填空)---you often go to work by bus?(did do)what---youraunt do?she is a nurse.(do does)all the bingo kids ----the chores at home(do have ) 完成填空后给你5分1 Niahara Falls is a famous waterfall in ( ) . 2 Canada's flag has a ( ). 3 The palace Museum is in ( ) . 4 Australia's flag is blue and the stars ( )white. 5 Canada is norte( ) the 4+4等于几 ,△ABC的周长为32,且AB=AC,AD⊥BC与D,△ACD的周长为24,那么CD的长为.注意,是CD! 如图,△ABC为等边三角形,AD//BC,CD⊥AD,若△ABC的周长为36cm,求AD的长 已知圆c的圆心坐标为(1,2),直线l:x+y-1=0与圆c相交于m,n两点,绝对值MN=2,求圆c的方程
 已知圆C:x^2+y^2-2dx+4cy4=0的圆心在x-y+1=0上,且圆C经过点(1,5),动直线l:y=-x+m与圆C交於A,B两点(1)求圆C方程(2)是否存在圆P?使圆P以弦AB为直径且过原点,若有,求直线l方程x^2+y^2-2dx+4cy-4=0! 在三角形ABC中,AD是BC上的中线,AB与CD的差为2,周长为22,求AB与AC的长初二的数学题````````等 love will seldom last if we love the whole fine things around us.翻译 英文标题的翻译:HomeOS is now part of Lab of Things.HomeOS is now part of Lab of Things.check out lab-of-things.com for more information about the project and labofthings.codeplex.com for code. The code on this site is old and unsupported. “nation”和“country”,“liberty”和“freedom”各有什么不同? 计算题:900乘以800等于几 40乘以20等于800商一定比()小? 已知直线1:Y等于X加M,M属于R.若以点M(2,0)为圆心的圆与直线1相切于点P,且P在y轴上,求圆的方程; 已知直线l:y=x+m,m属于R(1)若以M(2,-1)为圆心的圆与直线l相切于点P.且点P在x轴上,求该圆的方程 已知直线L:y=x+m,m属于R.若以点m(2,0)为圆心的园与直线L相切与点P,且点P在Y轴上,求该园的方程 . 已知 直线l:y=x+m,m∈R . (I)若以点M(2,0 )为圆心的圆与直线 l相切于点P,且点已知直线l:y=x+m,m∈R.(I)若以点M(2,0)为圆心的圆与直线l相切于点P,且点P在y轴上,求该圆的方程; Ⅱ.综合填空. live out除了“活过”,还有其他意思吗? live on through什么意思 Chick Flick 怎么翻译? I'm That Chick 歌词翻译Take this seriouslyLike Pac, all eyes on meThat's right you are intrigued,I'm that chick you like.You know thisWhat it be,I'm like the lottery,Hot Bentley with the keys,Take me for a ride.Light in the sky, let's fly high,B through和throughout有什么区别?hard work right through the summer 持续了整个夏天的辛苦工作trips for older people all through the yearA cup of coffee is not enough to keep me awake all throughout the day.一杯咖啡不足以让我一 throughout跟through out有区别没,复合式听写里面的,throughout its history,听肯定听不出来,我写的是through out,能不能得分? throughout和all over的区别是什么? through&throughout 这两个词怎么区别?请各举个例子, What are the three most famous kinds of drinks in the world?要用英语回答 求曲线y=sinx在点(湃,0)处的切线方程与法线方程 求曲线y=sinx在以下两点处的切线方程及法线方程:x=三分之π,x=二分之π 求曲线y=sinx在点x=π处的切线方程和法线方程 求曲线y=sinx在点x=π处的切线方程和法线方程 body massage如何用英语具体解释?常有外国客人问什么是body massage?基本就是告诉,做肩膀,腰等部位的按摩!用英语怎么讲呢?两三句话就可以了! 什么是massage