
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:19:38
求哈尔的移动城堡or魔幻城堡or howl's moving castle的有声读物 英文的 求《魔法使哈威尔与火之恶魔》的英文名 应该不是Howl's moving castle吧 I'd like to get you s____ to drink. Man upper body is a quality, lower body is nature.谁能帮我翻译? whenever,never give up yourself.请问这句话有语病吗?还有,这句话用于即将用于中考毕业送给班级里的一句话不知道合不合适,给个意见,答最快的并且最满意的给20 Works of caution,however,never give up a bad plan without replacing it.however后面什么意思?有什么语法点? never give up____(努力)whenever you've in troublecan your brother make model airplanes?-yes ,this week he _____(make) a now modeli dont know when the sports meeting______(hold).if i know ,i'll tell youi havent met him since graduate from school .ho 证券英语翻译:including filings with the state of documents filed with the SEC. we have ___ready for the party .can we start now?是填anything 还是everything 希望希望答案精确 期待正确的答案 很烦希望能得到正确的解答谢谢!能不能为了钱做自己不喜欢的工作?搞装修的,工资高点,因为管理员很看不起自己,经常找自己麻烦,因为我爸妈有病,我妹上高中,我觉得很痛苦,能做下去吗? 一个女的唱的,有句高潮的歌词是lonely,lonely,是中文的好像名字有春天这个词,是首比较忧伤的歌 动词填空答案 动词填空求答案 这俩句话用英文怎么说啊?由于我们公司需要变更注册地址,所以有一些文件需要签字盖章然后递交给Tax Bureau.第4份至第6份文件需要Jay的签字然后发传真给我.(请翻译成有礼貌的书面语) 英语 填一个词I will go home rather than _______(stay)here for another day. 艾佛森和科比谁更强? 根据每组对许上下文的意思,填上适当的词,使句子完整,每空一词. Is this news report___?Yes.It includes all the latest informationA to dateB up dateC out of dateD up to date 子贡曰:管仲非仁者与?桓公杀公子纠,不能死,又相之.全句和翻译 公子纠死了,管仲为什么不自.杀﹖ 管仲事公子纠的意思? 14.17子贡曰:“管仲非与仁者与(欤)?桓公杀公子纠,不能死,又相之.”子曰: 材料:管仲帮助公子纠同鲍叔牙帮助的公子小白争夺王位时,管仲在两军阵前偷偷向公子小白射了一箭.公子小白即位后(即齐桓公),要鲁国交出管仲才能讲和,鲁国只好用监车把管仲运回齐国. 动词填空, 现在完成式动词填空(要有答案)谁有? Best in me 用英语怎么翻译 Dream is like pilot while leads us to success.怎么翻译?急用 A dream is like pilot while leads us to success.怎么翻译?急用, 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父病,不幸卒於大命,将奚以告寡人?”管 仲曰:“微君言,臣故将谒之.愿 选动词填空A、give B、put C、want D、have E、worry F、play G、get H、take I、come J、help K、love L、think M、see N、speak O、watch 1 Don't_____ about him.He is not small boy.2 You must______your bike under the tree.3 let's go and_