
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:05:30
Dragon.boat.festival (1)i(2)like(3)tomato(4)very(5)much中哪一处错了? I like ————(tomato )and————(chicken),用所给词适当形式填横线,还要说为什么那样选择 以班级为话题500字以上作文 一边任务型阅读~Dragon –boat Festival (端午节)Dragon –boat Festival (端午节) Dragon –Boat Festival all also called the DuanWu Festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.For thousan 核舟记 为什么要先说船舱,再说船头和船尾呢? My friends usually ( )some CDs( )me前面一个空是give呢? Jane's pale face suggested that she____ill,and her parents suggested that she___a medical examination.a.be;should have b.was;have c.shouldbe;had d.was;has [D45] By brother's pale face suggested that he ______ ill and my parents suggested that he ______a medical examination.A .be; should have B .was ; have C .should be ;had D .was ; has请翻译,并分析. She face suggested that she _ill and her parents suggested she_a doctor选什么A should be should beB was seeC be seeingD was would see They will( )(buy)some CDs for theeir friends My friend _________(订购)some books and CDs online for me last Friday. Happy Dragon Boat Festival happy the dragon boat festival 人家对我说happy Dragon Boat Festival 我该回答什么 Yo baby happy Dragon Boat Festival啥意思``` Some watches are on the table.对Some watches 提问 Some notebooks are (on the table).对括号部分提问急! k的音标是什么 K.K.音标表与国际音标对照表.哪位兄弟姐妹提供提供.小弟正在学李阳疯狂英语. 英语的k.k音标是指什么?两个k代表什么?我是想问两个字母课是什么的缩写或者代表什么词。 已知y=三次根号x+1加根号2-x除以根号x,求使y有意义的x的取值范围 225的开方减负0.16的开方怎么算? 2,至今,人们发现体积最大的恐龙叫什么名字,他有多大 抗菌整理剂的主要功能是? 一台起重机将重3600N的货物提高4m,如果该起重机的机械效率是60%,求:⑴ 起重机做的有用功是多少?⑵ 总功是多少?⑶额外功又是多少? 起重机将货物举得越高,机械效率越高吗?是那种用杠杆的起重机,区别于滑轮组 根号3-X+根号X-3 X的取值范围是? 根号x+1-根号x-1,x的取值范围 若根号x/根号3 - x=根号下x/3-x,则x的取值范围是 笔尖上蘸石灰歇后语写白字 根号2-x+根号x,求x取值范围