
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:27:57
改错There are also some students hate studying.如题 改错 If I can do something to help you ,please let me_______.A.know B.knowingC.to know D.known ______the exam,the boy was punished by his father.A.No passing B.Having passedC.Not passing D.Not having passed答案应该是B.为什么不能选其他几个?说明理由, Through the window,they saw the boy _________ by his father A.being punished B.be punishingThrough the window,they saw the boy _________ by his father A.being punished B.be punishing c.to be punished D.being punishing答案上选D,为什么? 葱应该怎么种?葱适应哪种环境?潮湿还是干燥?它需要经常晒太阳吗?每天浇的水要不要太多?..我几次种葱,可次次种次次死,上面慢慢变白,我把它白色的那段剪了,过不久又变白.而且长不高,白色 如何种葱蔬菜 哪位英语好的,帮我准确译一下这说的是什么意思"get lostthe days are closing in now that autummn is here time really flies i am old .there are people who call me aunt woe is me! 如果以《“勤”“嬉”》为题写一篇文章,最好运用——思考结构急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!答了再加20分 关于细观察勤思考的故事 用英语翻译:我们公司不允许上班时吸烟.于是许多雇员不得不戒烟或者减少吸烟量.(reduce) 他承认吸烟已经对他造成了很大的伤害,并决心戒烟.用英文翻译 企业或公司有没有权强制员工戒烟,即使不在工作时间,也不允许抽烟.是这样,我们单位要求员工必须戒烟,不管是再工作时间,还是在家中,我个人认为,这种行为属于干涉员工自由,公司有权利禁 各领风骚数百年的上句麻烦你咯 各领风骚数百年的上一句是什么,紧急紧急! do/does not和not的用法 蒿 这个字 念一声的GAO还是HAO? is not do not does not 的区别 蓬篙人怎么读 九方皋相马皋念gao还是hao 艾篙(gao)还是艾蒿(hao)?一个草头一个什么.到底哪个是对的? it was a 什么 earlier填什么l打头的单词. 如何解析It was as it was earlier. 翻译I just took the earlier bus,but it was no use.the later bus overtook the earlier one 学期结束感言怎么写 年度先进个人感言怎么写? 翻译:even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street. 急需以勤为话题的作文有没有以勤为话题的作文啊!600字左右吧 班级里的获得先进个人感言怎么写啊? 连说勤短文 学与勤的作文400字,议论文, 求以“勤”为题的作文! 成语填空:( )好月( ) 奇( )( )卉