
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:23:27
How about the red one?(嫌贵)怎么回答 壬戌年是哪一年,壬戌年是什么命? 壬戌年是哪一年 壬戌辰年是那一年? 什么影响纸的吸墨性强弱?造纸过程中的什么因素会影响纸张吸墨性的强弱? 印刷时如何选用不同吸墨性的纸张 How many people are there in your building how是副词、为什么要有be动词,be不修饰副词吧、、、、、、、 谁有VFP的程序设计基础题目哦?不要模拟测试软件,直接把题目和答案贴过来就OK, VFP程序设计基础操作题编写一个程序,在1~100范围内,找出某数,该数等于其各位的立方和.承诺答好赠送5分! Applying this principle to the black holes,I wonder if there may not be some white holes in space as well把这一原理应用到黑洞上面,我在想,在宇宙间会不会也存在某种白洞我怎么觉得not应该去掉才对呢? VFP程序设计基础里 为什么输入字母要用引号引起来,而输... If the pressure is not _______ immediately,there may be an explosionrelievedretreatedrevealedreleased We know the two ________(kid) _________ (kid) us.为什么是ing形式呢? there may not be any bears left的同义句——there——be any bears left in the world 主题为“全球气候变化与我们”,要做ppt进行课堂展示.有点儿摸不着头脑……请大家给几个方向~~请在12小时因为时间紧迫,麻烦大家啦~~ zai ma ,qing hui da wo Each coins has two sides.It means everyone has his a_____ and d_____.根据句意及首字母完成单词 the girl visited her grandparent last sunday改为同义句the girl (三个空)her grandparthe girl visited her grandparent last Sunday改为同义句the girl (三个空)her grandparent last Sunday the girl were playing happily in the garden last Sunday!改为感叹句顺便问下 感叹句的用法 19.i'm sorry she's not in would you like to ________ a message?A keep B restC leave20.i don't like is ________ beijing.A different fromB different asC as different as 修改病句:五星红旗在天安门广场上空 He is a pilot now.(用when he grows up改写句子)He is ____ _____ _____a pilot when he grows up (Liu Tao)is swimming.对括弧部分提问 It's parents' day today. 翻译主要出自晋书 王戎传 王戎,字浚冲,琅邪临沂人也.父浑,凉州刺史.戎 晋书列传十四华峤翻译(给我从峤性嗜酒,率常沉醉到峤书存者三十余卷就可以了,就是那一小段的翻译) know who i 真字的拼音怎么写 真字 有多少笔数啊?总共几画? 真字的具体解释.全方位的解释 世界上有没有绿色的彩霞 怎么上MSN国际聊天 不会外语能不能聊 有没有自动翻译