
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:15:26
Jim is an ____ boy.He is popular in our class.We all like him. 难忘的一件事结尾怎么写 难忘的一件事结尾 求 难忘的一件事(暑假生活) 差不多500~700字 he speaks p_______English.we all like to learn from him (3) I’ll Show You the Way A driver:Hello,sir.I want to go to the Moon Hotel.Do you know it?An I want to go to the Sun Hotel.Do you know it?(改为同义句)=Do you know▁▁▁I can▁▁▁ ▁▁▁ the Sun Hotel.一空一词 I like the colour very much.划分句子成分 忘记一个人好难的英文怎么打 英语翻译Remember someone is very easy but hard to forget someone.记住一个人很容易,但是忘记一个人很难.这样翻译对不= =本人英语无力. 英语对我来说很难用英语怎么写! 忘记一个人好难..因为曾经爱过改成英语怎么写 How to do it?I want to know(合并为一句) I want to know how I can use the computer.I want to know how I can use the computer.I want to know —— ——use the computer. i want to know how I can sing this song(改为简单句)RT 月亮是不是固定在某个位置?然后经过地球的自转,月亮也跟着转动了? 当a=2.8,b=6.3时,求a+b的值 花的颜色有什么秘密?为什么生在高山雪原的花一般颜色清淡,而热带花朵浓烈鲜艳? 适合四个人的英文配音.英语课配音 四五分钟左右.要求对话集中有意义. 影响秋天树木落叶的主要原因是什么a.大气平均温度的变化 b.日照时间的变化 c.空气水分的变化 d.生物钟引起的 树木秋天为什么会落叶 在近日点地球公转速度较快,在远日点较慢? Tom and his two brothers are ____ (both,all)from Austrilia. 最近英语口试的时间和地点,我是河北的,急 me the I'll it jacket well very flts take 连词成句 The blouse fits me very well.I_____(take)it. me the I'll it jacket well very fits take 这是一道连词成句的题, 为什么日食发生在初一,月食在十五? 以“My Pleasant Trip”为题写一篇短文,要求通顺,达意,80词左右 怎样划分古诗音节 cotton Jeans 如何读呢? this trousers match your coat and shoes very well 单句改错this match shoes well 这些单词中把哪个改掉?