
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:21:39
英语翻译关於倍数的翻译:Output in this company is now six times ____ it before 1990.空格填 what 还是 that 还是 of that?为什麼?句子应该是Output in this company is now six times ____ it was before 1990.题目漏了个was. 形容做事认真,一点都不马虎是什么成语 Tom never smiles,dose he?-- ____ He is always serious.该怎么填呢?不是事实回答吗? 拖把拧干桶价格 拖把拧干器的英文?请问拖把拧干器的英文是什么? ______ do you _____ Chinese people?—Very friendly.A.What,think about B.How,think 指不容易做到的事情居然能做到 非常可贵的成语是什么?尽管睁着眼睛看 却什么都没看见 指不重视或不注意 There are three b___ in our flat ,so we can have a nice shower at the same time. I pref watching TV to reading the ai Prefer ___ a book to ___such a boring tv program 我选了 reading; watching 可是答案为什么是looking at ; watching? Mr.Read is watching TV while Mrs.Read is reading _____.A.a piece of paper B.a paper c.paper 含追求的 成语__ _追求 这些成语啥意思?(好了追分)意思`背后的故事`用法`例句`读音`都要有1哀鸿遍野2阪上走丸3裨官野史4筚路蓝缕5不落窠臼6殚精竭虑7大有裨益8洞烛其奸9定于一尊10峨冠博带11耳提面命12耳鬓厮 描写人物追求的成语 寻求四字成语.要求.中间带qin(二声)和wen(二声)两个字..一经采用... 寻求几个成语形容大方(不小气)形容英俊形容豪爽形容幽默形容温情成语各两个,谢谢! suppose your best friend breaks up with his girlfriend ,what do you say to cwhat do you say to comfort him? 这支钢笔是黑色的.用英文写出来! 这支钢笔怎么样英文 任务.打酱油.路过 1+1=?做任务的 大家可以无视 路过 打酱油 Hurry,there is _____time left.A little B a little 应该是little更好 但我认为a little也说的过去啊 Mary hurry up!There is little time left I am getting dressed Have a little experience翻译汉语 there is little time,hurry upthere is little time left,hurry up 还是应该there is a little time,hurry up两句都有left的就是there is little time left,hurry up 还是应该there is a little time left,hurry up两句有什么区别? I prefer reading books to reading magazines. 网语中打酱油是什么意思? 英语翻译There is no time like the present It’s (下雪) in Harbin tomorrow .( ) 3.It in Harbin yesterday .A .rain B.rained C.rainy( ) 7.Here the photos.A.is B.are C.×( )12.We sat a big tree and had a picnic.A.to B.off C.underfor of on down in.We are going to have a picnic the park..My fat It ____in Harbin yesterday.A,rain B rained C,raining选择哪个是对的? rainy rained 的区别举详细例子,要易懂 帮我翻译一下.He had a good many friends He had a good many friends here这句话我觉得有很明显的错误,