
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 20:23:35
朱自清的春中的两个盼望着有什么表达作用 春[朱自清】当中 满 有什么表达作用 已知x的2次方+ax+b与x的2次方-3x-1的乘积不含x的3次方2次方项,求a,b why not have a try?I am enjoy you it sure will 组成一句话 i am sure you will enjoy your( )在括号里填一个词有:yourself you your yourselfs. I can play table tennis对划线部分提问()can you() Betty can play table tennis.(划线部分提问) Betty excited to you Hong Kong feel trip will about the 连词成句 She can play table tennis.对划线部分提问 play table tennis 划线 Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains__whether they will enjoy iA to seeB seeingC to be seenD seen These sweaters are ( i--------) .You can afford them.请说明 Whose woods these are I think I know . 这篇文章的意思及其深刻的含义 whose sweater are these?_,l think. A.they B.their C.theirs 朱自清的春里 你不【让】我,我不【让】你.让表达的作用是什么? The soup tastes ______. A:good B:well C:to be good D:to be well The soup tastes ______.A:good B:well C:to be good D:to be well the soup looks nice and tastes well. 这句话答案well改为good.但是taste+adj.我知道,well可用作adj和adv啊...adj就对了嘛?? I am sure you will do the work well __A.if you apply yourself B.if you applied yourself to it.C.if you apply yourself for it.D.if you apply yourself it求详解 we play table tennis erery Monday改为一般疑问句 we shall go and play table tennis after school.改为一般疑问句()()()and play table tennis after school? play table tennis怎么读? 降雪量由什么因素影响的? 朱自清《春》第五和第六自然段赏析别的段落不要,300字以上PS:这次我会仔细看后在采纳,刚刚被坑了.第五不需要了,已经解决,现在只需要第六段, 春 朱自清4自然段1.“花下成千成百的蜜蜂嗡嗡地闹着 ”中的闹字可以去掉吗?为什么2.“散在草丛里,像.'中的散可以去掉吗?为什么?你们具体说详细点 朱自清 春 第五自然 朱自清春中第五自然段表达了作者什么样的情感 They play table tennis in the afternoon.(改成现在进行时) 初三语文上册课后古诗词10首翻译 英语单词的音标怎么输入? 根据我国气象部门规定的降雪量分级,暴雪是指24小时降雪量达到多少 降雪量多少毫米指的是什么?好象不是雪的厚度,昨天说沈阳下了暴雪,也不过是18毫米呀!是化成水吧? 19.---______ ---Sorry,I don’t know.A.What do you think happen to Mary?B.What do you think has happened to Mary?C.Do you think what has happened to Mary?D.Do you think what did it happen to Mary?B,C不清楚哪个对?