
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:02:31
微二子者,楚不国矣 翻译具体点 非淡泊无以明智,非宁静无以致远.的意思是什么? 11题,12题,答案求助数学 设函数f(x)是定义域在R上的任一函数,证明F(x)=f(x)-f(-x)是奇函数 详解12题数学 12 题 需解析 倒V装的那个音标,应该是念“饿”吧.我怎么在dict.cn听单词发音的时候,感觉发音还是念“啊”呢.dict.cn应该是美式发音啊. ldon't need others anymore in my life because of 翻译:Others do not work as idiot,because you are also mediocre in need of的用法 询问你们,公共社会学这书怎么样,感激 请问大伙,公共社会学这书怎么样, 请问谁知“公共社会学这书怎么样. 哪位明晰,公共社会学这书怎么样,谢谢哦 hi,视读社会学这书如何,感激朋友哦 All of US like him because he thinks much more of others than of himself 翻译 单项选择:Few of us like him because he thinks () of others than of himself.A.much more B.a little 单项选择:Few of us like him because he thinks () of others than of himself.A.much more B.a little Cmuch D.much less few of us like him because he thinks__of others than of__.A.much/himself B.much more/him C.much/le1、few of us like him because he thinks__of others than of__.A.much/himself B.much more/him C.much less/himself D.a little/his Daniel ia a helpful boy.All of us like him because he thinks ___ of others than of himselfA often B more C a few D less Most of us don't like him because he thinks of everything ( ) money.A in face of B in view of C in terms of D in favor of 练习册给的正确答案是C,我百度了一下,C选项的意思是“根据;用...的话”,这样一翻译倒也可以, in need of 和 in want of的区别?都是需要的意思,有什么区别?请举例有句子举例吗? what's the matter with __?he's got a headache 社会学与哲学的关系 我想研究社会学,哲学 社会学和哲学的相同点在哪 He thinks__of others than of himself.--That is why he has few friends.这道题应该选fewer 还是less,为什么? 请哲学或者社会学专家来下用哲学或者历史唯物主义说明“腐败是社会发展的必然” 请问okay .that is no prblem.but l want to know when did you have free time? 如图 BE,CD交于A点,∠C和∠E的平分线相较于F(1)写出∠F与∠B,∠D的等量关系,并证明;(2)当∠B:∠D:∠F=2:4:X时,试求X的值. Do you have free time on Saturday? (x-2)-3/(x-2)+3 1<x<4的最小值(要过程) Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has,like a fast new car,that person may say he is green with envy.急用,