
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 23:24:10
GUESS的过去式 请问mean的过去式是哪两个?meaned可以吗? mean的过去式 waste的过去式 "Do you know ______?I'm going to see him .""Sorry ,I don't know."1.where does Mr Li live2.where did Mr Li live3.where Mr Li lives4.where Mr Li lived Since I so the whole him,I don't know what I can say sorry to express!我也看不懂,所以才来找你们帮忙呀 Look!Do you know ——man uncle the tree?Sorry.It is too far to see——clearly.A this,himB that,his C this,her D that,him He ____ the Chinese people are very kind.填空,大概是他说中国人是很和善的,“说”填什么 豆蔻年华能形容男生吗 “鸟的天堂”已成为一处游览胜地.请你根据课文内容,并收集一些有关材料,为导游写一篇解说词“鸟的天堂”,为导游写一篇解说词 鸟的天堂导游解说词 急求一篇英文电影观后感,90字左右,要用英语写的. 温带落叶阔叶林气候的分布规律急 “鸟的天堂”已成为一处游览胜地.请你根据一些相关材料,为导游写一篇解说词.“鸟的天堂”已成为一处游览胜地.请你根据一些相关材料,为导游写一篇解说词.“鸟的天堂”已成为一处游览 请问"为导游员写的解说词"怎么写, 问一下,豆蔻年华指什么呢?恩. I do not know how I can answer this question. I do not know___ ___ ____this question. 古诗里一词豆蔻年华通常是用来比喻什么人? can you answer this question?__.i know _can you answer this question?__.i know ___about ita.no,a little b.yes,littlec.yes,nothingD.little I don't know the answer to the question.改为同义句 初生牛犊,豆蔻年华,血气方刚,年富力强,老当益壮,微不足道,这些词语任选一词写句子. They don’t know the answer__________this question. who know the answer ( ) this question ?A to B ofC inD for 怎么确保导游解说词的质量 如何写好导游解说词? 黄河象的导游解说词明天交! 爸爸的工作虽然很沉重,但从来没出过差错.改病句 修改病句:沉重的工作压得父亲喘不过气来修改病句:沉重的工作压得父亲喘不过气来 局势越来越沉重,父亲的工作越来越紧张(修改病句) 英语翻译翻译成中国谚语 The shortest answer is 我要全部的意思 The shortest answer is doing.为什么short 后有est 字典中没有shortest