
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:55:55
catch up 与 catch up with可以的话各自造个句子.我对比下意思. liu xiang runs _____ fast for ____ to catch up with.A.far too ;anybody B.far too ; nobody C.too far ; nobody C.too far ; abybody知道答案在AB之间.,anybody 与 nobody . He runs fast enough to catch up with Penny.请问后面的不定式(to catch .)做什么句子成分 8.It is reasonable for people to a career in fields related ____ their favorite hobbies.( A.on B.for C.at D.to 用英语说"我亲爱的老婆,给我你的吻" 亲们,英语大神们,快来帮我 不用字帖怎么联系copperplate 字体 或英文圆体啊有模板吗,能发给我吗?10701518 广州有英文圆体字字帖卖吗?在哪里有?最好能在东山附近的~花体的也行..我要实体的书/字帖喔..不要给我个网址. 1,She is waiting the bus哪里错了 2,He runs slow哪里错了 she runs as _(slow )as he 用括号里的单词的适当形式填空 子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者.翻译 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者翻译 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者.翻译 英语能看懂可是一点都听不懂怎么办 英语背课文有用吗?BBMM天天让我背单词!可是背单词有用吗? 改为第三人称单数Scott works very long hours . He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth andScott works very long hours . He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower .Then he eats his breakast . What a funny tim 请翻译下,《翻译得好我会采纳的》She doesn't stop talking until she falls asleep. Please remain( )until the plane has come to a complete stopplease remine____until the plane has come to a complete stop A to seat B to be seat C seating D seated为什么是选D不是C Don't stop walking until you come to the end.(同义句)—— —— ——until you come to the end 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者. not until 的时态问题Don't get off the bus until it __(stop)该填什么时态,为什么请针对每种不同的情况举个例子并解释清楚一下,如果说主句用一般过去式从句就该用过去完成时的话那为什么会有这样 英语翻译重要重要 ‘浅析韩剧在中国热播之原因 ’ 这句话的英语翻译 英语翻译如题 思念家乡的词语急须, 我爱你,所以我愿意变成你爱的模样.这句话求英语怎么说英语怎么说 Jack runs faster than II_____run____ _____ _____ Jack.There are about 100 people in the hall.There are 100____ ______ people in the hallJhon is taller than any other student in his class.John is______ ________student in his class .John is older than Jack runs faster than Mike【同义句】 Mike runs ___ _Jack runs faster than Mike【同义句】 Mike runs ___ ___ than Jack.Mike ___ ___ as ___ ___ Jack Jack jumped ------than Jim in the the long jump.A.higher B.faster C.farther D.longer我需要翻译,并且要知道选什么,及挖们其他3个不选,还需要翻译, Jack runs faster than me.(改为一般过去时) 那位大大知道下图中V1-V+/R1 = V2-V+/R2么?还是V1-V+/R1 = —(V2-V+/R2) 最好能说明原因 R1=R2 英语翻译这几天频繁的打架.我真的不知所措了.好多事好多事.不知道该怎么去做了.我好爱你.但是我们却依然还是会吵架.我只想像个孩子一样.得到你的宠爱.我想依赖你,难道你不懂么.你的密