
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:59:50
【英语】这两句话的区别How long have you been in Taiwan?How long have you been to Taiwan?两句话的区别在哪里你来台湾用了多长时间?.用How long have you get to Taiwan?不是更合适吗 英语-谁能告诉我---这两句话有什么区别原文段:The trail of non-biodegradable litter international tourists leave behind them and the vast amounts of fossil fuel consumed in transportation pose grave environmental threats to the tour all kinds of和differet kinds of中文意思有什么不同谢谢了, all kinds 这两句话有什么区别.she has worked in London for six years .如果换成has been working 这两句话有什么区别? 大家帮我看看这两句话的具体区别在哪里some computers were stolen last nightsome computer has stolen last night出了一个是过去式被动语态 一个是完成时 以外 意思是一样的吗? Love for you in the memor 翻译下. 一个英语小问题(关于watch)我看着她,直至她消失...I watched until she disappeared 这样翻译对吗?一个是时态,还有watch后面要加her吗?(解释得好, 有关watch的一题简单英语题My mom wants you to watch me ( ) the piano.A.playingB.playc.to playD.to playing我认为A和B这两个答案都可以,因为感官动词后可跟do或doing.为什么答案是B watch the news和watch news.英语那个对. 在某期的希望英语上看的,翻译过来是密切注意的意思,英语好像是 a needle-? watch记不清楚了,有谁知道的? How happy we are ____ in Paris.We haven't seen each other for a long time.A.met B.meeting C.to mee what a long time we haven't met each other for.自己造的. 我活着的意义到底是什么?最近总是在想我活着到底是为了什么单亲家庭的我从小娇生惯养吃不起什么苦,每天就是上课下课回家父母什么都安排好渐渐我发现我好迷茫我迷茫明天会怎样还是 等爱 WAITING FOR LOVE怎么样 而且我现在觉得活着就是为了等死 世间一切皆是虚妄 等到百年之后何来意义?一生庸庸碌碌 就是为了等到寿终正寝?活着就像是梦啊 皆是虚妄 等到离去之时 便是梦醒之日吧 Waiting For Love 歌词 wait for my love The leaders discussed the plan they would like to see carried out the coming week.这句话应该怎么断句啊? what'sthe matter with your bike怎么改为同义句 christmas was coming ,but $1.78 was (all) they had,中all做什么成分 22 The managers discussed the plan that they ...22 The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year.( 2000 )A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry outPlease explain C D We're not very close friends__we've known each other for a long time.这里是用although 还是until 根据汉语提示,填上适当的单词形式:I often____(购物)on weekends. all kinds of tricks的意思和同意句 莫泊桑短篇小说集 摘抄50字左右 能有评语最好 I have been selling 一万的词汇量平常看个文章啊什么的够用了吧,考托够了么... hou English teacher is from Canada.的中文意思是什么? It's long time for us not to see each other 是不是病句?有没有好久不见的意思? ( )your english teacher from canada.A.isb.are.c.doesd.do It takes him half an hour ____(watch)CCTV new every day We ____(not see)each other for a long time用括号中的词的适当形式填空