
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 01:43:25
I'm sorry.Why I have cheated you long.I feel very ashamed of that,I hope you can forgive me. I'm sorry that I didn't write back to you sooner but I have been very busy and tired.翻译 Could you tell me___tomorrow morning?Awhen the meeting will start Bwher will the meeting startCwhere the meeting startsDwhen the meeting would start Can you tell me______ A.when you will be free tomorrow B.when you are free tomorrow选择哪个? I heard someone_______(cry)in the next room a moment ago I heard someone________ (cry) in the next room a moment ago.用所给词的适当形式填空. 党是阳光我是花作文 this morning i heard her ——(cry)in the next room. 作文 党是阳光我是花 党是阳光我是花 作文 在学习上,老师要求我们独立思考,互相合作,积极探讨. They have been here once.把been换成came怎么样 I came here for my schoolbag.这里的came为什么要用过去式? can you tell me when you ___ if it ___ tomorrow?A:arrive; doesn't rainB:will arrive; won't rain C:will arrive; doesn't rain He heard someone singing in the next room.请问这里的宾补sing为什么加的是ing?而不是ed或者是不定式?按道理来说,前面heard用过去式,后面sing也要用过去式啊?到底宾补在什么状态下要用什么式? I heard a girl singing in the next room 改为同义句 I heard that a girl ___ ___in the next room it was 25 years ago he graduated from harvard universityit was 25years ago ()he graduated from harvard university选那个?1since2before3that4after 英语中I am sorry to hear that和I am sorry to heard that有什么区别? It was six years ago( )the teacher graduated from our college.A.that B.when C.when that D.since l have a cold.的回答应该是哪个?A.I am sorry to hear that.l have a cold.的回答应该是哪个?A.I am sorry to hear that.B.Just wait and see. C.How do you feel? 请把下面含"花"的诗句补充完整.1.故人西辞黄鹤楼,______(李白)2.______,夜静春山空.(王维)3.待到重阳日,_____.(孟浩然)4._____,春江水暖鸭先知.(苏轼)5.落红不是无情物,_____.(龚自珍) 帮我看看这个句子是病句么我想说的是“研究插画在海报中的应用”Study applications of illustration to the poster 大家帮我看看这句话是病句吗?例句:狂风呼啸而过,惊恐了坐在门前瘦弱的小女孩.这句话是我对于一句英文的翻译,我爸爸非要说我翻译的这句话有语病,说“惊恐”一词反正不能这样用,一定 she heard a continual strange noise coming from the next room.her heart ___ fast.A beat B beats C beating D beatenshe heard a continual strange noise coming from the next room,her heart ___ fast. her brother _____ to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his ordera.declared b.threatend c warned d.exclaimed 帮忙判断哪个是病句?下面哪个是病句?1、现在大多数孩子在家中只知道接受爱,不知道感受爱,也不会付出爱,这样的家庭教育是缺憾的.2、你将你的对手变成了朋友,难道世界上还有比这更完美 企业简介 用英语怎么翻译?到底是那个阿,晕了 谁帮我把企业介绍等翻译成英文?包括企业介绍、企业文化等.谢谢有意者请留邮箱,我会把资料发给你 这句话是病句吗? 帮我看看"昔日的他, 早已物是人非" 是病句吗? 如果是,应该改为什么才合适 I heard her___ in the next room just now.A sing B singing We heard her singing the popular English song in the next room just now.由主动语态变成被动语态:____ ____ ____ singing the popular English song in the next room just now. 热的气体遇到冷的东西会液化,那遇到冷水会液化吗 ..干冰是固态二氧化碳,二氧化碳不是导致温室效应的主要气体吗?那么使用干冰人工降雨不会影响环境吗