
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:10:25
某同学在拿热汤中的不锈钢调羹时,手被烫后迅速收回.与缩手动作直接相关的组织是A.上皮组织 B.结缔组织 C.肌肉组织D.神经组织 sucking too hard on your lollipop or love's gonna will get you down 这两句分别 有道 百度 google 上都有翻译过不对 是【sucking too hard on your lollipop】和【or love's gonna will get you down】这两句 公司公告是什么 英语翻译是制作生日视频用的,“无论我们怎样相遇;重要的是;我们现在是朋友;无论天气如何;你是我们的阳光;只想说;有你真好;无论我们相隔多远,我们之间没有距离;永远在你身 通报的用途是什么 商品发布数量是什么? a toy 怎样写通知 怎样写通报? 如何写奖励通告 通知怎么写,怎样的格式? 一个式子的极限是2,式子的分母的极限0,式子的分子的极限是0吗,如何判断 When the beasts were about to win the battle,__to join their opponents.A flew down the batB down flew the batc the bat down flewD flew the bat down选什么,为什么? su yang,()here,please.yes. You're online every day,will not help the open window,or you want to know you.Always I am still waiting,but you do not have to Computers can help spaceships to fix tiny mistakes and -----(cancel ) wrong orders.用括号动词填空 1. The waiter ____(带来)me the wrong food yesterday.2. Is there a c____ store near here? I want to buysome clothes.3. Can you find some good s___ to the problems?4. The pen I b____ yesterday doesn't work well.求答案, 好的悬赏, The shop assitant ____(bring) me the wrong size yesterday. I wore the wrong clothes at yesterday's party.HoI wore the wrong clothes at yesterday's party.How__I was!I agree,because you should have known what to wear.A,wear.B,smart.C,modest.D,silly为什么? 百慕达三角洲的灵异事件可信吗? 这个极限是哪一种未定型啊?limx→+∞[(x+lnx)/(x-lnx)] 用洛必达定理,但我不明白的就是它怎么不是∞/∞的,那是哪一种未定型 极限未定式lim(ln|x|*sinx/|x-1|)X->0 该极限属不属于未定式?应该怎么解? 求未定式的极限1 :lim(x→0)[(1+X)^1/x + e] /X (-e/2)2 :lim(x→0)[(a^1/x + b^1/x)/2]^2x (ab)麻烦用罗必塔法则求, 帮忙求几个未定式的极限.1 .lim(x→0)[(a^1/x + b^1/x)/2]^2x2.lim(x→0)(1/sin^2X - 1/x^2)1.ab 2.1/3 关于未定式极限的问题当X趋向于正无穷时,[(1/x)*((a^x-1)/(a-1))]^(1/x) 当a>1时,为什么是(无穷^0) 型呢,在括号里的那个式子,(1/x)是趋向于0,(a^x-1)/(a-1)是趋向于无穷大,那么这个式子不就是(0*无穷 Love is ________ Mummy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is more handsome than David Beckham.A.that B.how C.when D.since选C而不选A的原因.我们老师说选that的话LOVE就是后面的从句.有没有别的解释? Dear daddy!Love you forever and 百慕大三角洲这地方这么神秘这么恐怖,还有飞机.航舰进入吗? 为什么会有百慕大三角洲? In addition to you I who all don't want.帮忙解释一下谢谢 Daddy&Mummy loves &不是and吗?不用love吗 Thx mummy...Get me a brand new laptop...Love u so much na...求翻译