
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:42:18
棋类前加冠词the吗 route的意思 routing overhead 如何形容“魅力女人”(转载) Everyone must do one's duty.还是Everyone must do his duty. 选择:Everyone should do ______ duty,shouldn't ______?Everyone should do ______ duty,shouldn't ______?A.his; he B.their; they C.his; they说明原因啊,好像答案是C...为什么呢... your's applied overhead是什么意思 There was no sign of -------(human)life on other planets until now. She had to make a ___(choose ) between the two dresses. he found it important____(let)each of them know what had happened.理由? Each of them wanted to know__ and be her friend.A,much B.better C,enoughWhy? Project Mgt什么意思? 英语翻译我想看一些英文文章(网页上的),但是用有道工具栏上的翻译器翻了以后语句不怎么通顺,请问各位大神有什么好的翻译器可以推荐的吗? a山市》结尾一段写“鬼事”是补笔,有照应开头的作用,说明这个地方确实能看到奇异的景观.A.山市》结尾一段写“鬼事”是补笔,有照应开头的作用,说明这个地方确实能看到奇异的景观.B.《 笔仙上身怎么办我快撑不住了,我已经被上身2.3天了,它们在我脑子里乱讲,有的时候是一个人,有的时候有很多人,有时候还会出现幻觉.有时会发疯,是真的,我发誓,有谁能救救我,我把分全都给你 笔仙之灵异事件我以前压根儿不相信!但是听了身边朋友的朋友的经历以后,还是半信半疑,大家都知道,世上没有鬼神一说,但是很多问题现在还无法用科学去解释,以下的问题百思不得其解,望指 翻译美国口语“it's as plane as the nose on the face 英语翻译One day an old man was selling a big elephant.A young man came to the elephant and began to look at it sloely ang carefully.The old man went to him and said,"Don't say anything about the elephant before I sell it,and then I'll give you so 英语翻译ASK MR,GREEN:Organic Produce versus Nonorganic ProduceDear Confused Shopper,You're right.Sometimes organic produce doesn't look as nice as nonorganic produce,and it generally costs up to 50 percent more.Let me explain why.Since about 1950 定滑轮和斜面能组成的机械有什么用途 don't be late____the plane A.for B.on C.at D.with十万火急 another,the other,other,others,either区别好像还有漏掉的.网上很多 可是我还是老错 直接点告诉我什么时候用哪个吧 other ,the othe,others,another区别要详细最好举个例子another呢 用介词填空(at in on by with):①You go to Beijing ___ plane.②I live __ China .用介词填空(at in on by with):③She does to school__Ben. 选择:The kita can fly very high ___a plane.A.with B.like C.in D.on 世界上有鬼魂的存在吗? 为什么有一些地方的英文前要加the? 关于英文中地方的前面可以加the不?我打算去、xx地方的英文就是地方的前面可以加the吗?例:i am going to ( )beijing.我打算去北京那个空需要填the的吗,添了错不的? the 英语用在什么地方 Tribe Of Dream 翻译成中文是什么? 英语里的the一般用在什么地方