
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:59:22
If I should find out that he is no longer around这里的 should 是不是可以省略 甲乙两数均不为零如果甲数的50%等于乙数的25%那么甲数小于乙数对不对? 触电事故家里触电,谁的责任.家庭,电路安装人员有责任吗?就是装修的,指出相关法律、案例. Tell me about those woman是用That woman.来回答还是什么woman Are you in the street about the matter?in the street是什么意思1,有小秘密2,一无所知3,暗地里4,知道内情 低调是什么意思 填正确形式:The old woman is (sleep)in the small room.2、Thank you for (tell)me about you family Can you tell me__?who the woman is 为什么对?whom that woman is 为什么不对?Can you tell me__?who the woman is 为什么对?whom that woman is 为什么不对? Are you in the street about the matter?Are you in the street about the matter?这句话中的in the street 人教版七年级上册U6英语单词是什么? 求九年级上册英语U1 —— U6的词组(必须要有课外的) We played( football and volleyball)对划线提问 1.we played football and volleyball yesterday(用now替换yesterday)2.do you like the food there?(用he替换you) That day I will tell you the reason fo doing thatThat day I will tell you the reason fo doing that Can you tell me ______?—By doing more speaking.A.how I will improve my English B.which way can I chooseC.how do I deal with my English D.what’s wrong with my English 已知甲数× 1.3 等于乙数×2.7且甲乙两数都不等于0那么甲数与乙数相比谁大 二十年后回家乡作文 Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is?是不是非限制性定语从句? 低调什么意思说简单点 牛津版八年级上英语U2词组表快 一定要是牛津的! 急求词组英文翻译(牛津7A水平)把...与...作比较轮流做...以及hope和wish的用法(多种) 音乐巨人贝多芬倒数第二段中末尾连用两个感叹号,有什么作用? 13音乐巨人贝多芬 末尾连用两个感叹号有什么作用? 音乐巨人贝多芬 第26自然段连用两个感叹号有什么作用 甲数是1/4的1/3,乙数的1/4是1/3(甲乙均不为0).那么谁大于谁 新目标九年级英语作文U1 Section4 Go For Which way of dealing with problems do you think is the best?Write about a time when you dealt with a problem that way字数80左右即可…… 甲乙的钱数比为3:1,甲给乙0.06元后,甲乙的钱数比为2:1,求甲乙共有多少元? Section 4 Go For It!新目标!下册 ,U nit 7.Think of a time you saw someone breaking a rule of etiquette.You may have seen someone spitting,slamming doors,or talking loudly on a mobile phone.Write a letter of complaint to your local newspaper.想 71.It is still a question __we shall have our sports meet.A.ifB.thatC.whatD.when【为啥不选B?...答案是D】 ______they will have the sports meet is still a question填什么详细解释为什么不可以用that呢 when we begin to question assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our pastchallenge后接what 引导宾语从句 这里不懂了 what 在 we think 中做宾语并且引导这个句子 那么we have.难道它又做think的宾语 文言文个别字词解释人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?与朋友交而不信乎,死而后已,奂山山市,