
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:43:06
若长方体的一条对角线与过它的一个端点的三条棱所成的角分别是A、B、C,则cos²A+cos²B+cos²C=? 已知长方体的一个顶点为端点的三条棱长a,b,c,求它的对角线的长?其中(1)a=3 b=4 c=5(2)a=7 b=11 c=4 帮忙翻译一下地址.是能够从海外寄到的浙江省杭州市萧山区瓜沥镇豪景城16幢302室 有谁知道”马粪心态” 一个长方形棱长之和是64分米,长、宽、高的比是4:3:1,则这个长方体的体积是( )立方分米 英语翻译浙江省杭州市淳安县一家山水5-3-205 一个长方体的模型,棱长之和是64分米,长宽相等,高是长的2倍,这个长方形的体积是多少? 翻译As long as you say goodbye,I do not bother you Skip this mission with the skip missipSkip this mission with the skip missipn item from the market 是什么意思? Only fools do as the signs say.的中文翻译 英语翻译for one week,she did not do any housework and neither did i.finaiiy,i could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt 英语翻译地址:301 A station street,box hill south,vic 英语还不错的帮个忙啦(赏分追加!)1.What( )with my guitar?Give it back to me now!A.do you do B.are you doing2.Heidi ( ) her glasses at partiesA.doensn't wear B.ian't wearing3.Greg () about himself all the timeA.talks B.is talking 英语翻译If at that time we point the hour-hand at the sun ,the hour-hand and number one will point south .This is why you must imagine a line which will run from the center of the watch through a point half-way between the hour-hand and number on Who had a rest under a tree?英译中Finally,Who was the winner 英译中 under a big tree.去掉a 可以吗?为什么? The village have a big tree under which the villagers often have a rest.under一定要在 which 的前面吗,可不可以放在句尾? 对under a big tree 提问用什么疑问词 To the world you are some but to the some one you are 请用英语回答,答案一分钟左右1.What do you think is the most difficult when learning English?2.Do you think regular physical exercise is important?Why?3.What does A friend in need is a friend in deed mean to you?4.Do you think weather and 国以民为本,民以食为天,衣食以农桑为本 反映了元世祖的什么思想?为此他采取了那些 国以民为本,民以食为天,衣食以农桑为本 反映了元世祖的什么思想? 国以民为本,民以食为本,衣食以农桑为本元世祖为此采取具体措施 国以民为本民以衣食为本衣食以农桑为本反应了元世祖的什么思想 国以民为本民,民以食为本,衣是以农桑为本反应元世祖的什么态度为此,元世祖采取了什么措施?结果如何?快呀. 高速公路和沙漠分别怎么说,还有memory是可数名词还是不可数的 When was it______ he found ______ he thought was the correct way to solve the probleWhen was it______ he found ______ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem?A.that; what B.that; that C.when; what D.when; that He found the text book missed when it was badly needed.He found the text book (missed)(when) it was (badly) (needed).找出括号内错误的一项,麻烦告诉我原因,谢谢! Can't Believe i will support people protected themselves from animals by f_____ in the past.填空 谁能帮我分析一下《吸血鬼日记》里面的Damon.我喜欢他超过Stefan,但是我总看不透他这个人.有时候觉得他是个很可爱的人,但有时他的行为给人感觉很awful.so...sometimes i really don't understand him.详