
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:10:03
Simple life,simple love,simple happiness Now knew that,own cross very much well I love my simple life 以(imagine you work for cctv'saround china show.write what the wea Imagine you work for CCTV's Around China show.Write what the weather is like in your hometown and what the people are doing.偶是初一的,别太复杂了,thank you very much!Please write to me soon. After a knock at the door,the child heard his mother's voice calling him.a knock at the door的发起者是his mother,而非the child,而主句的主语是the child,After a knock at the door并没有写上逻辑主语是his mother,这样句子还对 请教下英语达人们,"I will take it"能表达“我会负责的”这个意思.假设某件事情是由我负责,别人请我帮忙,然后我答复 I will take it.美英式里边有这样使用的吗? 孤峰突起这个成语是什么意思? I will try my best for my life!I\'m not afraid! tell sth to sb ,其中to sb 在句子中做什么成分? hope you have a great day!hope you have a great day!you too 呢 如果你问我什么才是正确的友谊观念 英语翻译这句话 要用到If you ask me You ask me ,i ask who? "You ask me,I his mother ask who?如上英语无能= = 初三人教版上册有哪些文言文是要求背的我没有初三语文课本,但老师要在这个暑假把初三上册的文言文课本要求背的全部不背会,可是我没有课本啊!T-T you have ---- nice books.1,so many2,so much3,many so feet 造句快,只等十分钟 英语翻译 How much do you speng on books every month? how many comic books have you ever read 春 第六段写了什么自然景物,各有什么特点 《春》第3自然段写了小草怎样的特点快10分内 春的第四自然段分别写出了花的什么特点? He is my friend better than anyone One of my friend classmates sing better than me.这句话中有什么错误 谢谢 完形填空:1.It's time __(read)Chinese book now.2.Our library has__(many) books than before.3.Where is your mother?She__(cook)in the kitchen. My friend is better than I at_____(look) after people.用所给动词的适当形式填空 有句歌词every thing will be easy是哪一首个是首中文歌曲 大兴安岭的岭谁也不孤峰突起,盛气凌人.这句话是什么修辞手法 eveg thing Will be 怎么读的? 口若悬河,斗志昂扬,高瞻远瞩,孤峰突起 高不可攀,张冠李戴,荡然无存盛气凌人这些成语哪些是褒义词中性词贬义词? EVERY THING WILL BE OK ,I BELIEVE Can you tell me why you ————(选择)this coat?choose需要什么变化吗