
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:10:43
such is the case 与 as is the case的区别 Do you think there is a big market for hula hoop in Mexico?Greating,but How can I contact with someboda interest in our products? I walked as fast as possible, and I hadn't gone much farther ___ I caught up with them.A. until B. before C. that D. whichWhich one? Why? 宋金和议与宋辽和议各有什么特点? 宋辽、宋夏、宋金和议有什么共同特点?是宋都向少数民族政权供送“岁币”吗? 楼兰故国公元前176年建立,公元630年灭亡,位于现在的新疆东部,请问楼兰的先人是古阿富汗人吗? 元太祖尊称为成吉思汗,汗的意思是大王,“成吉思”的意思是?一、大海二、草原三、高山四、河流 该同义句 Lily and her parents have visited Nanjing Lily_____ _____ _____ her parents have visited N parents,a,did,her,computer,have连词成句 ____ can you have an hour to read English every day?—By getting up early. 怎样理解中国近代资产阶级的革命性和软弱性? 资产阶级的有哪些软弱性和妥协性 问5道英语选择题1.____ extremely difficult to get enough water supply in that area at that time.a.there was b.it was c.there were d.there being2.thinking of his son,who had been away for 20 years.a.the old man's eyes were filled with tearsb.tea the journey that ------Toby's life started in JULY THAT yearwill change was to change is gong to has changed 选哪个 I ( )in the factory for over one year A.work B.worked C.have worked D.was working safe 和 take exercise是什么意思谢谢了, the journey that_____change his life started in july that year.a.would b.was going to c.was about to d.was to选什么呢,为什么? the competition here is extremely The third is the fierce competition resulting from the policyresulting 是被动为什么用ing形式? there is a _____ competition in the school 资产阶级的局限性:软弱 、 妥协 哪一个是对内,哪一个是对外? 元太祖铁木真谁能介绍一下 ___we had to go homea.there was no busb.there being no bus我觉得是a 可是答案是b,为什么 Jim ( )(plan)to go home early.用 plan 的适当形式填空?括号应该填什么? 翻译 我们得早点回去不要让父母担心 In _______________________we have to go home early 婚礼时有句歌词是yes,I do,是个女生唱的,而且是英文,非常的好听,旋律很温和 游戏中的英文转换成中文3If using a dpad/joystick,there will be a blue curos at the efge of the board for highlighting and selecting pieces and points.Push lefe/right/up/down to move the cursor to piece you would like to move .Press the joys 村中来一女子,年二十有四五.………… 运用模仿声音的有哪些句子?原文:村中来一女子,年二十有四五.携一药囊,售其医.有问病者,女不能自为 方,俟暮夜问诸神.晚洁斗室,闭置其中.众绕门窗, 问一文言文名字,是我集方案上的,开头是:村中来一女子,年二十有四五.现在就要,知道的别憋着了!后面是携一药囊,瘦售其医 问五道英语选择题I want to work ___Jim because he is a quiet manA.to B.at C.with D.inPlease give the book___me.I want to read it.A.for B.to C.at D.withI help my mother ____the houseworkA.dose B.do C.for D.doingMr.Read ____in a big hotelA.worki 请问gotta和gonna有什么区别?如题···谢谢了 Shoot,gotta go 好像是英语口语