
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:06:20
You can take a taxi there的同义改写 用挤出机挤出的橡胶管在硫化后会缩短,请问这是怎么回事?是哪种辅料的关系还是什么?唉 来这里问这种问题是我的错 why not take a taxi to go there同义句 ( ) ( )a taxi to go there 根据上下文内容,填入适当的句子,补全对话.A:Excuse me,where is the hospita?B:I’m sorry,I don’t know.I’m new here.You may ask the man over there.A:___________(The old man goes to the man.)A:Excuse me.2.__________C:No,thereis 6.― Excuse me,where is the nearest telephone?― ________D________.A.I can’t find out one.B.There is one at the drugstore.C.About half an hour.D.Take Highway 15 to the north.哪一个是正确答案 d是我自己做的 不利于身体健康用英文怎么说 Excuse me.could you tell me where the nearest post office is?The nearest post office?You will ...Excuse me.could you tell me where the nearest post office is?The nearest post office?You will have to walk___.A.500 metres farther B.500 - metre far请 Excuse me!Where is the post office 的同义句Excuse me! Could you tell me _ _get to the post office Excuse me,Could you tell me where the nearest post office?The nearest post office?You will have to walk ____.A.500-meters away B.500 meter far C.500 meters farther D.500-meter-far away could you tell me where the post office is?改为同义句 Excuse me where is the post office (改为同义句)Excuse me,___is the___ ___the post office 塑料与硅胶玩具哪种适合儿童 求一篇英语作文 题目:My Internet life. 谢谢! 单词拼写!Excuse me,can you tell me where the()(people)Hospital is? Could you tell me where the East Street Hospital is?Can you tell me ___ is the ___to the East Street Hospital 横线中我填 which way 有关硅胶柱层析我做的是硅胶柱层析,用的洗脱剂是苯与无水乙醇,我的问题是苯与硅胶接触后的现象是什么?硅胶柱是不是变成透明的了?第二个问题;硅胶对物质的吸附作用会不会产生竞争现 为什么硅胶柱层析时样品被冲下来我做试验时分离样品 原来已经有过粗分了 而且都出结晶了 可现在再细分时 按照原来的条件 样品就会被冲下来 原来以后是溶剂的问题 就跑了个薄层 发现 那里有可以分离碱性物质柱层析的硅胶,自己可以制作么? 层析柱中的硅胶问题.请问,层析柱里面的硅胶装柱前.一定要600度高温灼烧4-6小时吗?直接烘箱140烘2小时在5%水失活不可以吗?或者大家都是怎样做的呢?(是气相色谱前处理的层析柱).再请问硅 Are you going to have your winter holiday next week?请帮忙翻译整句话,谢谢!have your winter holiday 怎么翻译恰当?这里的have代表什么意思? 选择题(说出原因):Are you happy ______ your English?Are you happy ______ your English?A.inB.onC.atD.with Are you _________ your winter holiday next week?A.going to have  B.will 为什么前面有are you 就AB哪里错了错了 B选项是will have 打错了 英语6.When you come here for your holiday next6.When you come here for your holiday next time,don’t go to ______ hotel ; I can find you _____ bed in my flat.a.the;a b.the;/ c.a;the d.a;/为什么 社交网络 THE SOCIAL NETWORK怎么样 高分求Wiz Khalifa神作black and yellow的伴奏(加男声伴奏:连唱三遍)就是普通伴奏中加入black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow,不然唱的费劲的Thanks a lot!请把伴奏发email到 我Q 239011610谢谢! Look at the panda,what color is it?It's______ A.yellow and red and white C.white and green The ruler is black ( )yellow括号里面是不是填and? I'm going to Shanghai 什么 the winter holiday. 介词填空:1.he is leaving ( ) Shanghai next week 2.I will go ( )a holiday tomorrow急求…… 形容将军勇猛的词杀兵斩将 飒爽英姿 所向披靡 要这种类型的词 将军的英文单词怎么拼写? black and yellow