
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:55:40
our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it(用because of改) when will the train arrive to BEIJING?还是 when the train will arrive to BEIJING?是不是两个都可以呢? Travelers to the Middle East will find that they must learn different.上海精编教学与评估首字母填空 They found that stanging over there were different()colour是用in还是用from J_____ were bule at first ,but nowadays ,you can find that they are in different colours.根据中文意思完成句子 小学数学六1班和六2班共有学生89人,六一班男女生人数比是8:7,六二班男女生人数比是6:5,两班各有多少人? 阳光小学五年级有学生220名,男生人数是女生人数的1.2倍,男女生各有多少名(用方程解答) 六(2)班有学生54人,男女学生的人数比是5:4①该班男生有多少人?女生有多少人?②六年级有三个班,六(2)班全班人数是六年级总人数的27/80,六(1)班、六(2)班、六(3)班的人数比为2.6 形容花儿美丽绽放的词语. [D55] -Are you satisfied with what he has done?-Not at all.It couldn't be ——.A、any worse B、any better C、so well D、so bad 翻译并分析 ( )from what you said in the letter,you are not satisfied with the job.A.judging B.being judged c.judged D.to judge they mean different things.(改为一般疑问句) they mean different things的意思急 they mean different things (一般疑问句) -------- --------- they mean? They mean different things 肯定回答 星火英语四级词汇书排序是乱序还是正序阿?新要求大学英语词汇星火式巧记·速记·精练(4级)排序是打乱顺序还是从A到Z的正序啊? The teacher with 3 students( )an experiment last night.They haven't finish it yet.A.was doing B.have done C.has done D.did请告诉我这道题有什么语法,什么是重点 .我是一个英语特别特别差的人,请尽可能的讲详细.thank you They mean different things.(改为一般疑问句) they different things? 求No more words歌词?拜托各位大神 feel like的全部含义及用法尽量明了易懂 feel 要如何使用? I _____have lunch at home.I like eating outside.各位大侠请帮个忙! He was educated at the local high school,____he went on to Beijing UniversityA.after whichB.after that [W61] He was educated at the local high school,____he went on to Beijing University.A.after whichB.after thatC.in whichD.in that翻译,并分析. She was educated at She was educated at Beijing University,_____ she went on to have her advanced study abroad. [ ] A.after which B.from which C.from that D.after that 由于地球公转过程中地轴倾斜,一年中太阳光直射点总是在()之间往复移动,引起()变化和()的变化,导致地面得到太阳光热的不同,从而产生了( )的变化. 月球公转`日食月食~月球公转自西向东~按照上北下南左西右东地球在中间,月球运动方向是上-左-下-右...可这不是自东向西转吗?日食从右开始残缺,不是从东边开始吗?月食从左开始残缺,不是 好背好记的单词 想背高中所有单词.可是怎么记啊?总是记不住.只要看到能认识就可以了 一个单词要怎么样记才能背下来? 单词背了总是记不住怎么办啊?有好方法吗? 为什么单词背了记不了