
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 14:54:10
食用醋与酱油的性质要化学的 英语三道选择题存在疑惑.1 The Indians used to live in ___is now part of the USA.A where B which C what D that 为什么B不选?2 I haven't seen _______ this since I collected stamps.A as old as a stamp as B so an old stamp asC stamp as old 1.He listened to me ____ what Mr.Smith had said the day before.A.to repeat B.repeat 2.He could do little except ____.A.writing B.write3.The students will have more discussions like this in the weeks ______.A.coming B.to come 各选什么,还有就是 1.Only when the research has been carried out______whether the drug has a side effect on human body.A.we decide B.we will decide C.did we decide D.will we decide2.It was not until ge explained the reason _____we realized that we had misunderstood him 4.I'll give you my friend's home address _____I can be reached most evenings.A.whichB.whenC.whomD.where5.No decision ________about my future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.A.will be madeB.is madeC.is being madeD.has been m 1.Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company,_______as 3M.A.knowingB.knownC.being knownD.to be known2.There are two buildings,______stands nearly a hundred feet high.A.the largerB.the larger of themC.the larger one thatD.the larg 1.A report says school maths standards in England have failed to improve in the last 30 years,__________than those in mid-1970's,when only 20% of the students could pass maths exams.A.no betterB.not betterC.no worseD.not worse2.Golf is rapidly becomi 一堆煤有3分之2吨,第一次用去它的3分之1,还剩()吨,第二次用去剩下的2分之1,第二次用去()吨?%D%A 下列选项中物质的名称、俗名、化学式不完全一致的是A碳酸钠 纯碱 Na2CO3 B氢氧化钙 石灰石 Ca(OH)2C氧化钙 生石灰 CaO D氢氧化钠 烧碱 NaOH 一堆煤,第一次用去3分之1,第二次用去余下的4分之3,第三次用去余下的5分之4,还剩60吨,第一次比第二次少用多少吨? 醋可以解酒吗 醋可以解酒吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 Ca(HCO3)2与Ca(OH)2为什么会反应?他们不都有钙离子么? 酒是加热喝好,还是加冰好? 有一堆煤,第一次运走了1/5,第二次运走余下的1/2,第三次运走了再次余下的3/4,这时还剩下20吨.有一堆煤,第一次运走了1/5,第二次运走余下的1/2,第三次运走了再次余下的3/4,这时还剩下20吨,这堆 一堆煤,第一次运走了总数的2分之1多1吨,第二次运走余下的3分之1少20吨,第三次运走了再余下的4分之1,最后还剩下12吨原来这堆煤共有多少吨? 火箭的故乡是哪里 火箭的故乡是那里 火箭的故乡是哪 【 】是火箭的故乡 火箭的故乡在哪里? 法国红葡萄酒的品牌 有ABCDE 5瓶透明溶液,分别是NaCl.BaCl2.NaHSO4.Na2CO3.AgNO3.中的一种:问题在帖子里.一:A与B反应有气体生成.二:B与C反应有沉淀生成.三:C与D反应有沉淀生成.四:D与E反应有沉淀生成.五:A与E反应 醋能醒酒吗? 醋可以醒酒吗? HCl AgNO3 CaCl2 Cu Na2CO3是图示中的五种物质,它们之间的反应如图所示【连线之间的物质相互反应】解出ABCDE即可 从Cu(OH)2CO3 Cu(OH)2 CuO Cu Na2CO3溶液 AgNO3溶液 石灰水和稀盐酸中选择适当物质.写出符合条件的方程两种物质反应,有不支持燃烧的气体生成__________________________ 用BaCl2能鉴别出H2SO4,NaSO4,NaCO3,NaOH吗?五种物质能混合 BaCl2和NACO3和HCl和NaCL不用其他试剂的鉴别方法 quickly! 化学NaSO4 HCl BaCl2① ② ③1.NaSO4 HCl BaCl22.BaCl2 HCl NaSO4 二者选一②加入①无沉淀,再加入③有沉淀就是觉得奇怪 NaCo3+HCl=? 用一种试液就能鉴别HCL,CA(OH)2,NA2SO4溶液的是?1.石蕊试液 2.酚酞试液 3.稀硫酸 4.BACL2溶液