
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 06:38:25
多项式-2x+4xy^2-5x^4-1中,次数是___,最高次项是___,三次项是___,常数项是__. cold rolled low carbon steel 怎么翻译呢? Oklahoma cold rolled sheet steel 1008 per jis g3141是什么 11719 Sierra Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73162, USA这个地址翻译成中文是什么?谢谢. my eyes are beautiful.Are my eyes beautiful.这两句语法对吗? 泥石流和水土流失有什么区别,他们分别是怎样发生的 台风带来的直接危害是A泥石流B山体滑坡C狂风暴雨D水土流失加剧 个哥哥每人付出8000元钱给老四和老五,于是三人所得的房子和两人所得钱的价值完全相等,问三所房子共值多少如果答案是对的会再加30分. 请问...CUE是什么意思?CUE是什么意思?谁能告诉我? 我在电视节目(模范棒棒堂)中看到了这个,不懂哎! 不是cue文件看综艺节目里有什么cue点之类的, 棒棒堂说的cue是什么意思 请问这个cue文件是什么意思REM GENRE GrungeREM DATE 1993REM DISCID B1102F0CREM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb4"PERFORMER "Nirvana"TITLE "In Utero"FILE "01 - Serve The Servants.flac" WAVETRACK 01 AUDIOTITLE "Serve The Servants"PERFORMER "Nir 请问有没有哪位朋友现在UCO(university of central Oklahoma)就读?如果有 请和我联系 如题 unversity of central oklahoma是什么意思 Master of Arts research是什么意思? Two University of Oklahoma scientists are starting research that they hope will someday lead to the development of a vaccine (疫苗) to fight against the HIV virus, which causes AIDS.The research, to be carried out by Mark Lang, an assistant profess SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF WOMEN’S OF BUSINESS是什么意思?额..山东省女子学院营业厅(是联通的在女子学院的营业厅) 我改成了shandong intitute of women's hall of business how time flies 中flies是fly的单三形式还是名词复数形式,为什么? cue什么意思 cue什么意思啊同题目 Royal College of Music所在地 -People grow crops in the centre of France._______,people grow wheat and sunflowers.A.Such as B.Just like C.For example D.First 急求理由,各个选项的用法和意思 there are(many vineyards) in the centre of France 对括号里部分提问 There are many vineyards in the centre of France 对many vineyards 划线部分提问 It is enough rain for most agricultural activities for almost the entire region.请问这句话有没有问题呢?主语谓语宾语分别是哪些呢?What is more,the average annual rainfall is more than 125cm mostly between April and October when w 已知关于x的方程(a-3)x=6的解为整数,则满足条件的整数a的值是多少? 请问智利讲的是什么语? 请问一下造句,老大老二老三老四老五,该怎么造句,也可以反过来造 用,老大,老二,老三,老四,老五造句【每个词中间只能加一个字,顺序不限】 文章的序谁能帮忙写篇以 绿叶梦 为题的序?