
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:30:26
Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today! My room is a mess.It needs _____.A.to be tidying upB.tidying upC.to tidy upD.tidied up What would you like for breakfast?怎么回答. be from的同义词组是什么 What would you like for breakfast?等于What do you want for breakfast?他们可替换吗? come from和be from的同义词?要三个词的 be,from同义词~kind的用法 like,for,breakfast,would,you,what[连词成句] 同义词dad tempered/ be different from 每天做早操很重要用英语怎么说 "我每天早上做早操"英语怎么说...我不要正常答法.. “我每天早上做早操” 的英语怎么说 What would you like for dinner?的回答 What would you like for dinner?的答句是什么? 为什么?主要是考什么知识点的?-What would you like for dinner?-A.Eggplant and fish.B.Beef and cabbage.C.Green beans and mutton. What would you like for dinner tonight?如何翻译?能说详细点吗? be covered by/with有什么区别?怎么用? The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if ______ regularly,can improve our healthA.being carried out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out 为啥不是A? 写一篇名为The Influence of Exercise on our Health英语作文非常的急,要正确率高的 帮忙写一篇作文 字数120就行 题目是The Effects of Exercise on our health 萌ぇ读音 萌的读音 以P开头的女英文名,最好和佩读音相像不太常见的 带符号的英文网名谁能给我想个英文的网名.我名字叫倩.要非主流,带符号的 . the effects of technology on our lives?好心的英语达人门帮帮忙啊,帮我写篇关于the effects of technology on our lives的essay,小弟功课繁忙,在此拜谢. [-C19] There were two teachers named John ______ at our school,which made some of ourstudents _______.A.working ; confused B.worked ; confusingC.work ; confused D.to work ; confusing翻译并分析 为什么选A不选B? The number of the teachers in our school ( is ) about forty.括号中为什么填 is 不填 are ____of the teachers in our school are women.A:Three quarterB:Three quartersC:Third quarterD:Third quarters这一题怎么选?为什么? About ____of the teachers in our school were born in the ___according to a survey.A: two-thirds;1970 B:two-thirds;1970s C:two-third;1970 D: two-third;1970s请问各位高手我应该选什么呢?拜托大家给解释一下谢谢了. The number df the teachers in our school ( )177 last yearThe number df the teachers in our school ( )177 last yearA.is B.are C.was D.were那个number后面是of .不好意思打错了啊。 我的名字最后一个字是“奕”求英文名我的名字最后一个字是“奕”,帮我去一个好听、可爱一点的英文名, 我的名字最后一个字是"晴",什么英文名比较合适呢? 一道英语的作文,大家帮下忙,假如你叫李华,在因特网上找到了一个叫David的网友,现在请你根据下列要点给David写一封80词左右的E—mail,介绍你自己的一些情况.1、李华,中学生,家住在上海 2、喜