
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:54:53
I don't know how to start with it . 这句话有错吗?怎么翻译?(讲点语法知识) 英语翻译to be familiar with翻译A know nothing.B know abotC dislike.D like 英语翻译All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live.Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours.But always we were interested in discovering just how the do three days to see 仿写Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days 求three days to see原文海伦凯勒的 英语翻译The materials provided by the opponent are not strong enough to prove the opposed mark was pre-empted in bad faith and even not sufficient enough to prove the questionable mark "SCHUNK logo"was original devised and used by the opponent an 求 Three days to see的英文音频,要英文音频,传上来最好要英文全文音频朗诵哦 初一英语作文Three Days to See 80词左右,别超过初一水平 百合花可以用什么成语来形容它 百合花代表的成语百合花--( )可选词:和平友谊、任劳任怨、友谊长存、团结友爱、出污不染、身手敏捷 the last time missing这句话有木有语法的错误啊这句话的意思是不是最后一次的思念啊?有没有错误啊? we ------(visit) the Yellow Mountain at this time last summer 标点符号之间距离过大.明明是一个WORD文档里面打出来的字,怎么标点之间的距离不一样呢?我习惯第三种第标点符号之间距离过大.明明是一个WORD文档里面打出来的字,怎么标点之间的距离不一 I am staying here for another three days.不对怎么改 the man ( )here for three dayshas left has come has been has arrived 老师说,people 是集合名词,本身就是复数的意思.可否说成people是单复数同型?如果不是单复数同型,为什么可以说two people? FEW 与 lESS、的区别、人们不是不可数名词吗.为什么改错题中为FEW PEOPLE、 写两个形容品德高尚的成语,列:冰清玉洁 Can you write these sentences correctly?Please try!1.I now has e-mail!2.We can learns so much from each other.3.Li Ming connect me to the Internet.4.This are only y second e-mail. 冰清玉洁如什么花 带花的词语 please w_ these words in your exercise book该填什么 why not surf the Internet for more informtion?保持句意不变you _____ _____surf the Internet for more information.急. they,l,look ,think,nice 连词成句. the havey rain made his business __(suffer from)a great loss.the havey rain made his business __(suffer from)a great loss. The heavy rain made him ______ home right after school .A.not go B.not to go C.could not go D.where to go The heavy rain made ______for us to go swimming this afternoom are,having,a,they,time,now,good(连词成句) i will be with you的中文歌词莎拉布莱曼演唱 I will agree with you 问 Sorry,but i am afraid i cannot arrive on time because of the bad traffic.怎么回答A Hurry up B No problemC Cheer upD No way 缺词填空:The traffic is h____than usual,so I can't arrive here on time. 一个左面是女右面是青读什么?