
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 14:12:19
中世纪欧洲为背景 跪求一个女生的名字【【包括姓和名还有英语的翻译 0 谁的英语好一点的帮忙坐坐吧 山羊英文复数是什么为什么 billy-goat 公山羊 ,有什么作用?知道的人快说下, 把We should try to protect the panda's habitat so that we can save the panda.改为...in order that. We should rember that animals and plants save the Erath with u----. 英语翻译⒈Is it a good idea to send a pet as a gift to your best firend?⒉What's the best gift you have ever received?Who sent it to you?Why do you like it?⒊Have you ever got gift you don't like?Why don't you like it We should save animals which are in d________. what can we do to save these endangered birds?英语回答 英文作业,请哪位英文高手帮我坐坐,谢谢题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:They were all ____ that his plan was realistic and so they decided to accept his proposal. Much importance should be ____ to the conservation of the endangered animals.a、attachedb、acquiredc、affordedd、awarded 世界上谁是第一个性交的人,在男女之间,不觉得恶心么我的初吻给了男友,但是处还保留着,我已经跟他说过,现阶段我不可能跟他那个,我答应了,他又问我摸一下可以不,我说不行,他就说如果同 swimming is good for you这个句子中for you是什么成分? 2010年4月9日差10分19点哪又地震了啊 2009年7月9日19:10地震是怎么回事 爸爸说我是他的小棉袄, 人家常说女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,我到是觉得女儿是爸爸的小棉袄!为什么现在的女孩都比较喜欢父亲? 为什么说女儿是妈妈的小棉袄,如何解释这句话? 为什么说女儿是爸爸前世的情人,妈妈的贴心小棉袄 谁能帮我把马化腾干掉啊?日把老子的号封一年!TX真那么垃圾?马化腾什么时候死?马化腾为什么还活着?3楼的是SB吗?马化腾是你爹,还是你爷啊?你还替他个SB曰的SB说话! 什么是人生观,请介绍你的人生观 英语翻译请问大家“请跟我去会议室坐坐翻译成中文如何说? 子罕不受玉一文通过一件事使子罕的形象十分完美,请用两个四字短语概括出来在线等,快皆丧宝也.丧的反义词若以与我.与的反义词 子罕不受玉 通过两件事情使子罕的形象十分完美,用四字短语分别概括 滥竽充数故事里的说是什么意思 滥竽充数联系故事的意思来看,大家一定要好好想办法呀◎>_<◎‖!联系这个故事的意思来看哟?dfsclqrxr?;focfi 1.What’s twenty-five point divided by five?2.What’s eight hundred and fourteen plus nine hundred and eighty?3.What’s one thousand,three hundred and thirty-two minus seven hundred and fifty-nine?4.What’s six point six times three point three? 人生观的核心是( )单选 A.人生价值 B.人生态度 C.人生目的 D.人生理想 where 和that的用法We live in a consumer society ___there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds.在where 和that中选一个答案是where 为什么不是that呢··求解答 there was a loud ____ in the building .Many people ran out A voice B noise C sound该选哪个? people ran away in p__ as soon as the building caughtfire 作文:给塞特凯达斯瀑布的哀悼词