
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 20:43:25
我爱我的家乡手抄报内容怎样写,我的家乡在山西 阀门井型号中 比如φ1600 请帮忙解答3道英语题 O(∩_∩)O谢谢1 You were late again ,Peter. Sorry , I ___ to be here on time ,but the traffic on the road ___ heavy A wanted ,was B had wanted ,was C wanted ,were D had wanted ,were. 2 Other pupils had poorer exa 1.Where was it ___ you met the famous artists A where B that C which D in which2.When shall we go out for dinner this evening?I'll call ___ you at six pm .Then we will go together A for B on C at D in3.He finally spoke out his own idea,____ made us f 请帮忙详细解答3道英语题 O(∩_∩)O谢谢1.The spaceship will be launched by the end of the year ___ the weather. A depend on B to depend on C depended on D dependingon 2.There's no bus now,anf we can't get home ___ by bus. A rather than 1.The director had her assistant ___ some hot dogs for the meeting.A picked up B picks up C pick up D picking up 2.I recognized her ___ she appeared in front of me,___ touch for so many years.A at the moment ,losing B at the moment ,having been out o 已知函数f(x)=1/3x³-1/2(a+1/a)x²+x(a>0),则在点(1,f(1))处且线的斜率最大时的切线方程是 说明为什么选这个 这题有什么知识点、需要注意的问题、易错点等等等等1.It is very hot.Please make the door _____ .A.close B.closing C.open D.opened 2.---What did he ask?---He asked me_____.A.what is the young man's telepho To my surprise,the old man _masters___ five foreign languages.2.Our parents all _expect___ we can become helpful people to the society in the future.3.The _introduction___ of the new learning method is very helpful.We can learn a lot from it. 说 做梦梦到卧室有口井,然后我把人推进了井里面,代表什么 做梦梦到我女儿掉进井里什么意思 梦见井 梦到井 晚上做梦梦见到井是什么意思 急:初2英语适当形式填空1.I have ()(few) apples than my brother.2.Li Yang is a good student.She studies the ()(hard) in our class.3.You can improve you spoken English by ()(practise) to speak English every day.4.My grandma can't see anything 英语难题解答1.the reason _____ l can't come is that l have to prepare for the coming examA.for B.as C.because D.why为什么选D?我觉得A不也是可以的,2.Evidence came up ____ specific speech sounds are recognised by babies as young as si 请选出答案并解释一下下题中make an attempt to do 和make an efforts to do的区别..He made an____to solve the problem,but failed again.A.attempt B.efforts C.development D.experience 请英语高手帮我解答难题单选并说明理由且翻译这句话He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat) +97695754288 是哪的号码 请英语高手来帮我解答难题请翻译这句话的意思Life on earth is not going to be impossible,but it will have to be carried on in far favorable circumstances. 信用卡卡号开头数字都代表什么?如题 比如VISA卡都是4开头的?具体点吧,比如什么数字代表什么. # 井字号加数字啥意思比如#2 车票号的数字分别代表什么意思?如题 谢谢了 我想请问下 高一数学必修一中有地方没懂 就是函数那块 值域怎么求 做此类题什么方法呢 Our school is only______ walk form here.A、five-minute B、five minute's C、five minuteD、five-minutes 为什么是选A,不是应该名词所有格吗 疯狂英语口语版还是阅读版适合高中生? 历史中有那些人勇敢抗争命运的故事我要写作文, 见义勇为的人的事迹征文 有什么好方法记单词 如何可以背单词超快求大神指教 还有一个多月就要考六级了 今天才开始想起要复习 又不知道什么方法 求大师指教啊!英语课已经好久没认真听过了 好伤心呜呜呜 英语知识也忘得差不多了 肿么办啊 希望在这一个多月能补 一个孩子多大年龄了就可以参加这种活动了?怎么翻译成英语啊? 求翻译:“因为父母和孩子在年龄上有差距”翻译成英语 第一次勇敢的我作文怎么写